
USA Today project 2 - Build something that enables people to tell a story

Primary LanguageRuby


USA Today project 2 - Build something that enables people to tell a story


https://github.com/ga-students/wdidc5-project2 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx7tdR54GpBlWXFjekV3Z1dwM2c/edit


Create an application that tracks how users feel about current political issues and topics.


1. Day 1 deliverables

  • User Research
  • User Flows
  • Design Studio sketches
  • Sketches with annotations
  • Initial Prototype
  • Usability Testing
  • Dev feedback
  • Dev Research
  • Pseudocode
  • Git Hub Repo

2. Deploy completed MVP by Wednesday, 12:30 pm

3. Feature planning meeting 1:30 - 2:30

4. Set additional feature milestones

5. Final product Friday, 10:30 am



1. Deploy MVP

  • Basic home page with brief deccription of the application and a single menu button taking the user to the next page, where they will be given a prompt
  • Give the user a random prompt (quote) and 6 bottons, each representing one of the four major emotions.
  • Once the user picks an option, they are taken to a page displaying how everyone else felt about the prompt


B. Data Model

  • Quote - has_many responses
    • has an id
    • has a category
    • has a topic
    • has content
    • has an author
    • has a location
    • has a date
  • Response - belong_to a quote, has_one emoji
    • has a response id
    • has a quote id - relative key
    • has an emotion id - 1-6
    • has user input from home page (zipcode, gender, political orientation)
  • Emotions - belongs_to a response
    • has an id (1-6)
    • has a url
    • has a title/name (happy, sad, glad, angry)

Quotes have many responses, Response has an emotions

C. Views

  • Layout
    • header: title partial to display user selection with conditional
    • body with <%= yeild %>
    • footer linking to github repo


  • Index view to use as home page and display about/title, takes basic user input
    • postcard partial: show postcard
    • conditional true to render intro/welcome text and user input
  • New view to show post card with quote and take in user emotion
    • postcard partial
      • conditional, shows text of a random quote pulled from DB
    • emojis partial
      • pull each emoji icon from DB
      • display inline with padding between each
      • each as link_to /show, post emoji_id
  • Show view to display data viz and graphics, as third page
    • each frame as a partial?
      • frame 1: quote, total number of similar responses, etc.
      • frame 1: render pie chart of responses and table of response break down
    • next card partial

D. Models

  • Quotes

    • show quote (to_s method?)
    • get quote, return as hash?
      • { :author => "Hillary Clinton", :content => "Cool with the gays", :date => "April 19, 2014"}
  • Response

    • calculate total responses
    • calculate break down of responses, return as hash?
      • { emoji_id = number_of_responses }
      • { 1 => 37, 2 => 50, 3 => "10}
    • Wikipedia API - get abstract of article on category > topic
  • Emoji model

E. Controllers

  • Quotes controller

  • Response controller
    • takes