
A light-weight soft delete without destroying rows in ActiveRecord

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Under Alpha Construction...coming soon within a few weeks


A lightweight soft delete without delting the row in ActiveRecord models.


Supported on Ruby 1.9.3 and Rails 3.X (ActiveRecord)

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'soft_active'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install soft_active

Usage (Rails 3.X)

Model Definition

You can enable SoftActive like this in an ActiveRecord model:

class Posts < ActiveRecord::Base

You can also specify column name and other options like here:

class Posts < ActiveRecord::Base
  soft_archive :column => :active, :dependent_cascade => true

:column by default assumed to be :active but you can specify your own. At this time it must be a boolean column type. Other types will be supported in future.

:dependent_cascade by default assumed to be false. If true, any setting and unsetting will cascade to ':dependent => :destroy' associations. Only direct chindren associations are checked i.e. dependency is ignored if :through option is used for the association. Any save after set/unset will also cascade to dependent associations.

Class/Relation level methods or scopes available:

Post.only_inactive - Scope that shows only inactive rows

Post.with_inactive - Scope shows all rows active and inactive

Post.only_active - Scope that shows only active rows

Post.scoped - Default scope - same as only_active

Also a class level method Post.soft_active? returns true if soft active is enabled for the model.

Row operations - soft active/inactive

Default records have active as true, but they can be explicitly set and unset using instance methods.

To set active:

p = Post.first

To set inactive:

p = Post.with_inactive.first

To check active/inactive:

p = Post.unscoped.first


Copyright © 2012 LearnZillion, Inc. Released under the MIT license


Copyright © 2012 LearnZillion, Inc.