
Primary LanguageHTML


I used to love my Slingbox back in the day. They killed it over and over (ads, web client, ...), and finally killed it for good by shutting down the servers.

I've long wanted to build my own replacement and this is kind of step #1. It's very much a passion-project and something I plan on working on over the coming years - exclusively for my own needs!


  1. Logitch Harmony Hub - this controls the remote, activities etc
  2. Harmony API - a REST API to control the Harmony hub
  3. URayCoder HD or similar product that streams H.264/H.265 video
  4. Nginx or some kind of reverse proxy if you wish to watch video in your browser


Assuming you have the dependencies working, you can deploy slinky using samples/docker-compose.yaml.

There are some configuration paramters you can change via config/config.yaml or environment variables (see below).

Once running you can go to /video for a live video view, or just the default page on / for a remote control.

Harmony API

The Harmony API does most of Slinky's work - you can find an example docker-compose file in samples/harmony-api/docker-compose.yaml

Reverse Proxy

To make this work on the internet I strongly recommend using a reverse proxy and some kind of SSO. samples/nginx/slinky.example.conf is a basic implementation. For my own personal use, I combine this with Nginx SSO by Luzifer.


Basic Config

Config Environment Variable Description Example
port PORT Port for this service to listen on PORT=8080

Harmony API

Configure the Harmony API and how it should connect.

Config Environment Variable Description Example
harmony_api.url HARMONY_API.URL Where the Harmony API is running HARMONY_API.URL=http://localhost:8282
harmony_api.default_hub HARMONY_API.DEFAULT_HUB The hub to connect to (future versions may allow more flex) HARMONY_API.DEFAULT_HUB=living-room
harmony_api.default_activity HARMONY_API.DEFAULT_ACTIVITY The activity to use (future versions may allow more flex) HARMONY_API.DEFAULT_ACTIVITY=watch-tv


Configure the built-in video stream

Config Environment Variable Description Example
stream.hq STREAM.HQ The default HQ stream URL to use STREAM.HQ=/0.m3u8
stream.fast STREAM.FAST Unused today, but future versions may switch to the fast stream when using the remote for example STREAM.FAST=/1.m3u8


When developing locally CORS will stop you from directly streaming the video source into the browser. Go has some very simple reverse proxy features to allow this, but we don't wanna run this in production - so useful for local IDE development.

If you enable this, you should set STREAM.HQ=/<x>.m3u8.

Config Environment Variable Description Example
dev.enabled DEV.ENABLED Whether to enable Dev mode (reverse proxy) or not DEV.ENABLED=true
dev.stream DEV.STREAM Your stream URL to proxy DEV.STREAM=

Future Plans

This was very much knocked together quickly and I am not a developer. I really don't know what I'm doing, especially with frontend code.

Likely a version 2 frontend (if it ever happens) will be built in Flutter for a nicer UI, native clients, and probably better performance for H.264/H.265 across devices.