Assignment 3

Problem 1


In Problem 1 the strategy I used was for a servant to take from an unordered bag and place into the ordered chain and then subsequently remove a present from the front of the chain and write a thank you card. The servant would then repeat this process until the bag was empty. While doing all this the servant would be able to check if the ordered chain had contained a present with a certain tag previously. This was simulated to happen by chance 20% of the time. We used a Lazy List from "The Art of Multiprocessing" as our data structure for the chain of presents. This list was to be sorted by using the present's tag as a key. I also modified the remove method to be a poll method which removes and returns just the first item of the list.

How to run

cd "Problem 1"
java TheBirthDayPresentsParty

Problem 2

The strategy I used for this problem was to have each of the threads write to a shared memory that could store the top five, bottom five, and interval for each reading. I hashed the readings by combining the temperature and intervals into a single integer. We reversed this when printing the results. Time works differently in this program. A reading is done every second, an interval is calculated every 10 seconds, and the hourly report is done every minute. The hourly report is done by the main thread. The main thread also prints the results of the top five and bottom five temperatures and the interval of the largest and smallest reading.

How to run

cd "Problem 2"
java AtmosphericTemperatureReadingModule