
NSD DNS server using Docker

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


main Project Status: WIP  Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Docker Hub

What is this software

NSD is an authoritative only, high performance, simple and open source name server released under the BSD licence. This work is originally based on hardware/nsd-dnssec.


  • Lightweight & secure image (based on Alpine & multi-stage build: 4MB, no root process)
  • Latest NSD version with hardening compilation options
  • Helper scripts for generating ZSK and KSK keys, DS-Records management and zone signature
  • Optimized to be run on Kubernetes with ConfigMap

⚠️ Refactoring ongoing

Run on Kubernetes


Run with Docker-compose

version: '3.7'

    container_name: nsd
    restart: always
    image: selfhostingtools/nsd:latest
    read_only: true
      - /tmp
      - /var/db/nsd
      - /mnt/nsd/conf:/etc/nsd:ro
      - /mnt/nsd/zones:/zones
      - /mnt/nsd/keys:/keys:ro
      - 53:53
      - 53:53/udp

Ensure mount points match UID/GID (991 by default) used by nsd.

/etc/nsd should be mounted read-only.
/zones can be mounted read-only if helper scripts (e.g. for dnssec) are not used.
/keys should be mounted read-only if keygen helper script is not used.

Configuration example

Put your dns zone file in /mnt/nsd/zones/domain.tld.

$ORIGIN domain.tld.
$TTL 3600

; SOA record should be on one line to use provided helper scripts
@   IN   SOA   ns1.domain.tld. hostmaster.domain.tld. 2016020202 7200 1800 1209600 86400

@                   IN                NS                   ns1.domain.tld.
@                   IN                NS                   ns2.domain.tld.

@                   IN                A          
www                 IN                A          


Put the nsd config in /mnt/nsd/conf/nsd.conf.

  server-count: 1
  verbosity: 1
  hide-version: yes
  zonesdir: "/zones"

  name: domain.tld
  #zonefile: domain.tld  # if not signed
  zonefile: domain.tld.signed

Check the documentation to see all options.

Check the configuration

Check your zone and nsd configuration:

cd /mnt/nsd
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/zones:/zones selfhostingtools/nsd nsd-checkzone domain.tld /zones/domain.tld
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/conf:/etc/nsd selfhostingtools/nsd nsd-checkconf /etc/nsd/nsd.conf

Environment variables

You may want to change the running user:

Variable Description Type Default value
UID nsd user id optional 991
GID nsd group id optional 991

Generating DNSSEC keys and signed zone

Generate ZSK and KSK keys with ECDSAP384SHA384 algorithm:

docker-compose exec nsd keygen domain.tld

Keys will be stored in /keys/Kdomain.tld.{zsk,ksk}.{key,private}

Then sign your dns zone (default expiration date is 1 month):

docker-compose exec nsd signzone domain.tld

# or set custom RRSIG RR expiration date:
docker-compose exec nsd signzone domain.tld [YYYYMMDDhhmmss]

⚠️ Do not forget to add a cron task to sign your zone periodically to avoid the expiration of RRSIG RR records!

This can be done using systemd timer on the host:


Description=NSD update signature

ExecStart=docker exec nsd signzone domain.tld




Don't forget to enable and start the timer!

Show your DS-Records (Delegation Signer):

docker-compose exec nsd ds-records domain.tld

Ensure zonefile parameter is correctly set (e.g. domain.tld.signed) in nsd.conf.

Restart nsd to take the changes into account:

docker-compose restart nsd

Build the image

Build-time variables:

  • NSD_VERSION : version of NSD
  • GPG_FINGERPRINT : fingerprint of signing key
  • SHA256_HASH : SHA256 hash of NSD archive