Bootstraping an Ubuntu 20.04.x HyperVisor

which came first - Chicken or the egg?

Ths role is meant to bootstrap a freshly installed vanilla Ubuntu 20.04.3 server

Applying the hypervisor role

Setting up Python3

The Python3 directory below is a v(irtual)env created via the bin/ script. However, it does depends on packages installed by the hypervisor role here.
If you're starting from scratch you will need to run the role from a host with ansible, or install the python and xslt related packages found in roles/hypervisor/vars/main.yaml.

Limiting to the current bootstrapp(ing|ed) host.

Now run the playbook.

# As root. This is bad. dont do it!
 # ansible-playbook \
    -i inventory/home/hosts.yaml \ \
    --connection=local  hypervisor.yaml  

# As a user with become
$ ansible-playbook \
    -i inventory/hosts.yaml \ \
    --become --ask-become-pass \

Fix for VMs not starting at host boot time.

ansible-playbook -i /tanker/ansible/bare_metal_hosts/inventory/hosts.yaml \ \
  --become --ask-become-pass \
  --tags systemd \