Recration of TLDR homepage


The application is deployed on vercel check it out


This application accepts a validated email address, POSTs it to the API which prints the email in terminal, and then redirects to a success page.


  • Next.js v13.1.4
  • React v18.2.0
  • Typescript v4.9.4
  • Tailwind v3.2.4


I copied the home page mostly with some notable chages


The original black and white is a bit jarring to look at so I went with a slate palette. The muted text is easier on the eyes. The important sections of the page are bright to make them stand out. i.e. the title and CTA are brighter than the body.


I used some spacing design principals to spread the page a bit.


I changed the icons to a bounce animation. I thought this gives them more energy and personality. Each icon has its own rythym which gives them individuality.

Email Input

I added a focus state to the input to make it more clear to the user. Also changed the design of the default state because I thought it looked cooler. This uses standard HTML email validation. Further validation should happen on the server but out of scope for this assignment.


Check out the PageSpeed Insights here

Getting Started

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.