
balancedpayments erlang client

Primary LanguageErlang

balanced-erlang: balancedpayments client. erlang flavored.


balanced-erlang is a minimal balancedpayments client.

It currently only supports operations required to pay and get paid. Anything else you need can be handled from the balancedpayments console for now.

The operations we have so far: creating a new anonymous account, creating a new account as a person/merchant so they can receive payments, attaching a credit card to an account, attaching a bank account to an account, debiting a credit card, and crediting a bank account.



matt@nibonium:~/repos/balanced-erlang% erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin
Erlang R16B (erts-5.10.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]

Eshell V5.10.1  (abort with ^G)
1> inets:start().
2> ssl:start().
3> application:start(balanced).
4> application:set_env(balanced, auth_token, "da3da6de7c9311e288c9026ba7f8ec28").
5> TestMarketId = "TEST-MP6E3EVlPOsagSdcBNUXWBDQ".
6> balanced:account_create_anonymous(TestMarketId).
7> balanced:account_create_as_person(TestMarketId, "My Name", "+15551234567", "11101", "320 Pioneer Way", "1983-06-21", "email@noteven.com").
          {name,<<"My Name">>},
8> CreatedAccountId = "AC3YLJzg64VolwjSIXBO9YsG".
9> PublicDevCardURI = "/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP6E3EVlPOsagSdcBNUXWBDQ/cards/CC7FHSFn8oRlSJSAjiBpRtLa".
10> balanced:account_add_card(TestMarketId, CreatedAccountId, PublicDevCardURI).
        {description,<<"Card has already been associated with an account. Your request i"...>>}]}
11> PublicDevBankURI = "/v1/bank_accounts/BA7IU7MDWuhYHjlDID0WVXG".
12> balanced:account_add_bank(TestMarketId, CreatedAccountId, PublicDevBankURI).
        {description,<<"Bank account has already been associated with an account. Your r"...>>}]}
13> balanced:credit_detail(TestMarketId, CreatedAccountId, "300000", "Test Transaction").
        {description,<<"Account AC3YLJzg64VolwjSIXBO9YsG has no funding destination. You"...>>}]}
14> balanced:debit(TestMarketId, CreatedAccountId, "65000000", "Test Debit", "Debit Note Internal").
        {description,<<"Account AC3YLJzg64VolwjSIXBO9YsG has no funding source. Your req"...>>}]}

Note: The last few errors above are normal. The balanced dev tokens/keys/URIs don't work properly for actual testing. Annoying.


You must start inets and ssl before using balanced.

By default, erlang-balanced uses the global balanced API test token. You must change this to your private API key before you can receive payments:

application:set_env(balanced, auth_token, "da3da6de7c9311e288c9026ba7f8ec28").


    rebar get-deps
    rebar compile


    rebar eunit skip_deps=true suite=balanced

Next Steps

In no specific order:

  • Flesh out remaining balanced API
  • Add tests for error conditions
  • Move from env-specified auth token to something more call specific
    • Options:
      • Per-call auth token (balanced:charge_card(AuthToken, ...))
      • Leave env, but add per-auth token options


Want to help? Patches welcome.

  • Find a bug. Fix a bug.