
oneshot: accept a TCP connection then hand it off to a function

Primary LanguageErlang

oneshot: accept a tcp connection and do something with it

What is oneshot?

oneshot is a simple async TCP server. When a client connects, oneshot runs a function, sends a message to the function containing the socket, then waits for more connections.


All you need for oneshot is a fun or module name and IP/Port combination.

If you pass an atom to oneshot:start_link/3 as the module parameter, each connection will spawn start_link on that atom (module) name. The process must accept a {socket_ready, Sock} message to get the socket descriptor.

If you pass a fun to oneshot:start_link/3 as the module parameter, each connection spawns that fun. The fun must accept a {socket_ready, Sock} message to get the socket descriptor.


Simple Usage

handler/0 receives a {socket_ready, Sock} message then loops forever just echoing back input to the client. The process gets killed when the connection closes.

    handler() ->
            {socket_ready, Sock} -> inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
            {tcp, Sock, Bin} -> gen_tcp:send(Sock, Bin),
                                inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),

    init() -> oneshot:start_link("", 6643, fun handler/0).

More Complex Usage

If we need local state information in the handler, encapsulate a function in a local fun to provide state information to our handler (because all handlers must have arity 0):

   handler(ServerPid) ->
     handler(ServerPid, []).

   handler(ServerPid, Acc) ->
       {socket_ready, Socket} -> inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
                                 handler(ServerPid, Acc);
       {tcp, Socket, Bin} -> inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
                             NewAcc = [Bin | Acc],
                             gen_server:call(ServerPid, NewAcc),
                             handler(ServerPid, NewAcc)

   setup_server(IP, Port) ->
     ThisGenServer = self(),
     oneshot_server:start_link(IP, Port,
                               fun() ->



rebar compile


Automated concurrency tests:

rebar eunit

Automated concurrency tests with timing details:

rebar eunit -v


The generic non-blocking/async TCP server code originated at http://www.trapexit.org/Building_a_Non-blocking_TCP_server_using_OTP_principles which I used in my tt project to spawn one FSM per connection. I generalized the spawn-per-connect processing into oneshot for use in erlang-stdinout-pool. Hopefully other projects can find a use for a simple TCP connection abstraction.