#IEC Sample Page

This is a sample page put together to display reusable OOCSS and HTML.


  1. Slice this PSD into HTML page:
  2. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69649581/product-impro-final.psd
  3. Using Bootstrap to make it fully responsive and use Object oriented CSS
  4. (We explained those tasks and gave him exact description what we want to see)
  5. Put it on their own site or send us as zip.
  6. Timeline: by Wednesday 11 am.

###Tested On: Chrome (OSX) Safari Firefox (OSX) Safari (iOS iPhone 6)

Galaxy S5* Nexus 5X* Nexus 6P* iPhone 5* iPhone 6 Plus* iPad*

*Emulated on Chrome in Portrait and Landscape view.