Swift 4 starter project with most of the boiler plate code needed for a modern app.
- True MVC Design Pattern
- Google Firebase for marketing and user tracking
- REST & HTTP/S Model API for JSON Servers
- Many helpful String, UIView, & NSDecimalNumber extensions
- Many helpful Date extensions including Realm for local database
- Handy orientation routine in App Delegate
- CryptLib and routines for AES encryption and decryption
Does not include
- Any UI
- cocoa pods
- Google Firebase configuration - you will need to setup your own.
To Install
- Clone repository
- Setup code signing
- Change name of app to your name => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33370175/how-do-i-completely-rename-an-xcode-project-i-e-inclusive-of-folders
- Change name of project in Podfile to your new name. Install pods then app should compile.
- Remove _StarterProject.framework from Linked Framework and Libraries Fix any compilation errors before continuing
- Change class prefix from SSP to yours. A Global Find and replace should be okay for this.
- Setup for Google Firebase
- Edit includes/SSPConfig to use your URL's
- Review files in Models to see how Base and Child models work. SSPChildModels should be used as a basis to build your own models.
- You may need to adjust error handling in SSPURLRouter to cater for your own server