
Handy starter app for Swift projects

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift 4 starter project with most of the boiler plate code needed for a modern app.


  1. True MVC Design Pattern
  2. Google Firebase for marketing and user tracking
  3. REST & HTTP/S Model API for JSON Servers
  4. Many helpful String, UIView, & NSDecimalNumber extensions
  5. Many helpful Date extensions including Realm for local database
  6. Handy orientation routine in App Delegate
  7. CryptLib and routines for AES encryption and decryption

Does not include

  1. Any UI


  1. cocoa pods
  2. Google Firebase configuration - you will need to setup your own.

To Install

  1. Clone repository
  2. Setup code signing
  3. Change name of app to your name => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33370175/how-do-i-completely-rename-an-xcode-project-i-e-inclusive-of-folders
  4. Change name of project in Podfile to your new name. Install pods then app should compile.
  5. Remove _StarterProject.framework from Linked Framework and Libraries Fix any compilation errors before continuing
  6. Change class prefix from SSP to yours. A Global Find and replace should be okay for this.
  7. Setup for Google Firebase
  8. Edit includes/SSPConfig to use your URL's
  9. Review files in Models to see how Base and Child models work. SSPChildModels should be used as a basis to build your own models.
  10. You may need to adjust error handling in SSPURLRouter to cater for your own server