
Primary LanguageJavaScript

I wanted to create an online CV to showcase some of my Front-End Web Dev and Design skills. So here's the lowdown and a bit about the process.

The initial concept was drafted in Photoshop to calculate the size of the one-page site. I want a large hero image that created a calm yet sophisticated feel that worked well with contrasting copy and dark text boxes. The background is sourced from unsplash.com and has been repeated 3 times then layer masks added to remove the joins. The image is about 8000px high and only 72 dpi and you can see some. After cleaning and resizing the image to remove the dirty pixel look I reverted to the original preferring the grainier finish.

All the contact image assets were built in Illustrator and converted to SVG for easy web manipulation.

Having never used JADE language before I thought this was a good chance to have a play around. So I fired up a gulp task runner to compile JADE and SASS and manage javascript via browserify.

All the code is hosted on GitHub and the page is hosted using gh-pages.

Stage 2 - I'd like to keep playing around with the background and maybe add a subtle parallax effect and/or some other background images. Stay tuned!