
Stop writing the same disorganized, repetitive API integration logic for react apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Resourceful Components

Resourceful components makes it easy to integrate your react components with your API without all that "redux boilerplate"

🚨 State of the project: Work in Progress

Still very much an experiment. So far, this lib is working pretty well in my own projects but there is still fat to trim and approaches to re-evaluate. Please feel free to try it out but be warned that I'm not sure it's ready for use in other projects


Define your resource with attributes, actions and selectors

NOTE I really do like this part for my own apps but I'm not sure this library should impose this structure, still evaluating

export class Dog extends Resource({
  name: undefined,
  breed: undefined,
  age: undefined
}, 'Dog') {
  static actions = {
    fetchAll({ creatorId }) { ... } // Fetch all resources

  static selectors = {
    selectAll: () => (state) => { ... } // Return list of records
    select: (id) => (state) => { ... }  // Return single record

  actions = {
    fetch() { ... }    // Fetch record based on current record id
    create() { ... }   // Post new record based on current record attrs
    update() { ... }   // Update record based on current record attrs
    save() { ... }     // Create record if no id, updates otherwise
    destroy() { ... }  // Delet record based on current record id

Implement simple resource component

const DogItem = ({ record }) =>
    <header>{ record.name }</header>
      <dt>Age</dt><dd>{ recordage }</dd>
      <dt>Breed</dt><dd>{ record.breed }</dd>

export default resourceful(Dog)(DogComponent)

  1. Render your component and watch dog appear
  <DogComponent id={99} />

export default resourceful(Dog)(DogComponent)

Implement simple resource list component

  1. Define your resource as above
  2. Wrap your components with the resourcefulList HOC and pass resource
const DogListComponent = ({ records }) =>
    { records.map(record =>
      <li>{ record.name }</li>

export default resourcefulList(DogList)(DogComponent)

  1. Render your component and watch dogs appear
  <DogListComponent creatorId={99} />

Implement simple resource form component

Wrap your components with the resourceful HOC, pass resource, and map values to integrate with redux form (or whatever other lib)

const DogFormComponent = ({ handleSubmit }) =>
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <Field name='record.age' component="input" type="text" />
    <Field name='record.breed' component="input" type="text" />
    <button type='submit' disabled={isSaving}>Submit</submit>

const withReduxForm = reduxForm({ form: 'dog', enableReinitialize: true })

export default = withResourceful(Dog, {
  mergeProps: ({ record }, dispatchProps, ownProps) => ({
    initialValues: record,
    onSubmit: () => dispatchProps.dispatch(record.actions.save())

export default compose(withReduxForm, withResourceful)(DogFormComponent)

Render your component. It will now auto-fetch on initialization, and save when submitted

  <DogFormComponent id={99} />