Are You Back?

My first test of Twilio. This little app runs on my server once a day, and if a friend is back in the UK then the call connects and he gets a creepy message and I get a text.

Text is done with a different service because Twilio doesn't do SMS in the UK without buying a Twilio number.

If you want to try, then you'll need to:

  • set up a Twilio account,
  • move to and fill in all the blanks

Useful bits


Python Twilio docs

Testing HttpHandler

To test the httphandler I setup an endpoint on This got me the raw data from Twilio's callback service.

I can then test my handler before running the app on my server with this:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 --data @data.txt


If the call is answered, I play a message read by the Twilio computer using this twimlet