Awesome open source ASIC resources


Digital focussed tools

High level synthesis (HLS)

Analogue focussed tools

  • Magic - old school, layout drawing tool; still a requirement in the modern flows. Cheatsheet.
  • Klayout - modern style layout drawing tool.
  • Xschem - old school, schematic capture
  • Mosaic - schematic capture (experimental)
  • Ngspice - simulation
  • Xyce - simulation
  • gdsfactory - EDA tool to Layout and simulate Integrated Circuits.


  • OpenRAM - SRAM generator
  • DFFRAM - Memory Compiler using FF/Latch cells
  • OpenFASoC - Analogue IP generator (LDO, temperature sense etc)
  • MOSAIC_BAG2 - Analogue IP generator framework (w/minimum working example)
  • RgGen - CSR generator (SystemVerilog/Verilog/VHDL RTL, UVM reg model etc)




How to get started with the Google sponsored shuttle




Mailing lists / newsletters

Interest groups

  • FOSSi - FOSSi Foundation is a non-profit foundation with the mission to promote and assist free and open digital hardware designs and their related ecosystems.
  • Chips Alliance - CHIPS (Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems) Alliance harnesses the energy of open source collaboration to accelerate hardware development
  • WOSET - The WOSET workshop aims to galvanize the open-source EDA movement.


  • ChipFlow - Helping product companies to make their own chips with open source tools
  • Efabless - simplifying chip creation
  • LibreSilicon - open source manufacturing process standard
  • LowRISC - open source silicon designs and tools
  • Skywater Technology - foundry that first published open source PDK
  • OpenHW Group - open-source cores, verification, software and standards
  • YosysHQ - open source EDA & Formal Verification
  • ZeroASIC - makers of silicon compiler ASIC tool flow

Work in progress