Ecommerce Fields for Gravity Forms (Beta)

Ecommerce Fields designed to work with Gravity Forms


Ecommerce Fields designed to work with Gravity Forms


Using the Location Fields for Gravity Forms, you can choose a Map Field type, and configure how it functions.


  • Easy to integrate with Gravity Forms, just activate and drag the field onto your form
  • Option to enable you to enqueue CSS or JS, or lets you add your own
  • Option screen to allow you to add your Google Maps API key


  1. Download this repository and unzip it into the folder ecommerce-fields-for-gravity-forms
  2. Upload the ecommerce-fields-for-gravity-forms folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Configure the plugin via the 'Ecommerce Fields for Gravity Forms' options page under the WordPress 'Settings' Menu


1.0.0 - 21.10.2016 - First stable release.