Azure Image Builder, Shared Image Gallery, Azure Files and DevTest Labs Demo





The purpose of this Terraform module is to deploy various infrastructure components around Azure DevTest Labs to demonstrate how a developer might interact with and use the platform.

This module deploys a single vNET with two subnets, one for Bastion and one for VMs. A Shared Image Gallery is deployed which is used to distribute a Custom Image to that is built using Azure Image Builder. The Custom Image is built from Windows 10 Ent Gallery Image with Python and Git installed to demonstrate capability. A Storage Account is deployed with an SMB Share to be mounted on the Developer VM.

A DevTest Labs instance is deployed.

Note that this will store state locally, so a "backlend" block will need to be included to store state remotely.



  • This assumes that you have configured Terraform to use a Service Principal for Deployment:

    Export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET to the shell outside terraform.tfvars for security

  • To use Azure Image Builder, you need to register the feature:

    az provider show -n Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages | grep registrationState

    az provider register -n Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages


  • Log in to Azure Cloud Shell at and select Bash

  • Ensure Azure CLI and extensions are up to date:

    az upgrade --yes

  • If necessary select your target subscription:

    az account set --subscription <Name or ID of subscription>

  • Clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone

  • Change directory:

    cd ./azure-devtest-labs

  • Update terraform.tfvars:

    Update environment variables for ARM_TENANT_ID, ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID and ARM_CLIENT_ID

    • Initialize terraform and download the azurerm resource provider:

    terraform init

  • Now start the deployment (when prompted, confirm with yes to start the deployment):

    terraform apply

Deployment takes approximately 180 minutes, the vasy majority of this being the Image Build itself. If this timeouts the, the build timeout can be extended in the AIB JSON Config file [currently set to 240 minutes].

Currently Azure Image Builder is not supported in the AzureRM Provider. This has implemented using the local-exec provisioner and so Terraform does not maintain state. Before generating the Image Template, "sed" is used to substitute the Managed Identity in the JSON Config file [""] with the User Assigned Identity created by Terraform. If this script is subsequently run again, the Identity string needs to reverted back so the "sed" command does not fail:


Some DevTest Labs capability is not supported either the AzureRM Provider or the Az CLI so I have used an ARM Template to deploy the DT Lab, attach the Shared Image Gallery, Add the existing VNet to the Lab and then enable the Subnet to be used in "virtual machine creation".

Explore and verify

After the Terraform deployment concludes successfully, the following has been deployed into your subscription:

  • A resource group named rg-set-dev-demo containing:
  • One vNET containing two subnets, AzureBastionSubnet and Subnet-One;
  • A Shared Image Library named setSIG;
  • An Image Defintion named win10DevDesktop;
  • A Managed Identity with Contributor RBAC on the RG [for Azure Image Builder];
  • A Storage Account sadtldemo with a File Share named demo-share
  • An instance of Bastion to provide connectivity to the DevTest Labs VMs.


A number of things aren't supported in the Terraform Provider or the Az CLI and will need to be manually for the time being, am investigating whether they are supported in PS that can be exectued with local-exec provisioner:

  • Enable Browser Connect in the Lab to enable connections via Bastion;
  • Create Claimable VMs in DevTest Lab [Can demonstrate this live and include Artifacts like VSCode];
  • Will need to map network drive in VM, without AAD or AADDS Integration with Azure Files you use Storage Account name as username and primary key as the password. You can get the PS Script from Storage Accounts >> sadltdemo >> demo-share >> Connect. You need to replace 'StorageKey' and confirm the Storage Account Prefix in the code block below:

$connectTestResult = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 445
if ($connectTestResult.TcpTestSucceeded) {
    # Save the password so the drive will persist on reboot
    cmd.exe /C "cmdkey /add:`"`" /user:`"localhost\samrw`" /pass:`"<StorageKey>`""
    # Mount the drive
    New-PSDrive -Name Z -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\\test" -Persist
} else {
    Write-Error -Message "Unable to reach the Azure storage account via port 445. Check to make sure your organization or ISP is not blocking port 445, or use Azure P2S VPN, Azure S2S VPN, or Express Route to tunnel SMB traffic over a different port."

Verify these resources are present in the portal. Azure Image Builder deploys a number of resources to do the build, including a Storage Account and Container where the Packer Logs are [customization.log].

Credentials for the VMs are:

  • User name: devuser
  • Password: Pa55w0rd123!

Delete all resources

Delete the rg-set-dev-demo resource groups This may take up to 30 minutes to complete. Check back to verify that all resources have indeed been deleted.

In Cloud Shell, delete the azure-devtest-labs directory:

rm -rf azure-devtest-labs


I have found AIB to fail intermittently, the customizations in the Image Build are minimal:

  • Powershell Customizer: Make Directory [buildActions, buildArtifacts, Python] & pipe some comments into txt file for demonstration purposes;
  • File Customizer: Get Winget [But do not install. File is in C:\buildArtifacts];
  • File Customizer: Get Python;
  • Powershell Customizer: Install Python and set path;
  • File Customizer: Get Git;
  • Powershell Customizer: Install Git and set path;

When the image build is running, logs are created, and stored in a storage account in the temporary Resource Group (RG), that AIB creates when you create an Image Template artifact.

  • IT_ImageResourceGroupName_TemplateName_GUID

For example, this would be:


Go to the RG > Storage Account > Blobs > packerlogs > click on the directory > customization.log

For a better understanding of the log, see here:

As failures have been intermittent I have increased the size of the Build VM [to a Standard_D5_v2], increased the Build Timeout [to 300 mins] and included a 60s PowerShell sleep customization. Indeed since adding the 60 sleep, have had 3 successful builds in a row! :-)