
A rudimentary bash script to turn a fresh Raspbian install into a webpage display (i.e. Google Calendar, news)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Update: Thanks Adafruit for sharing!

Raspberry Pi Webpage Display Script

I have Pi-powered Google Calendar displays all over the place - I wrote a script to make it easy to make more of them (or other similiar displays that just use a web browser).

The install script sets a cron job to launch a fullscreen Chromium window in kiosk mode at boot, disabling screen timeout. Configurables set during install:

  • Hide cursor (good for non-interactive displays)
  • Clear browser cache at boot
  • Refresh page at specified minute interval
  • Delay browser launch (allow extra time for boot and/or network connectivity)

Do not use under any circumstances where not being able to leave the browser is a priority, as this is in no way prevented. Built for and tested on Raspbian Stretch running on a Pi Zero.


If you haven't completed any initial setup (imaged your SD card, logged in and completed setup, connected to the internet) do that first. Leave auto-login enabled. This script requires the desktop version of Raspbian (minimal won't work).

First, inspect the code located in the Install.sh file prior to running it - then, to setup, run the following command (will work on local terminal or SSH):

bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattwebbio/rpi-webpage-display/master/Install.sh)"


I posted on my blog a really simple guide on using this for Google Calendar: https://blog.mattwebb.io/2018/08/24/raspberry-pi-google-calendar-display/

Modifying after install

The 2 scripts called by cron (one for boot, optionally one for page refresh) are located in the user's home directory, at ~/rpi-webpage-display-atBoot.sh and ~/rpi-webpage-display-Refresh.sh. The page the browser is directed to can be adjusted in the rpi-webpage-display-atBoot.sh file, along with the other parameters. The refresh interval, if enabled, is pure cron and can be adjusted with the crontab -e command; see here for more info.