
Front End Code for ReActivity

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front End Code for ReActivity

Welcome to Reactivity

Reactivity is a mobile application that allows users to create, maintain, join and locate sporting events. Reactivity supports a wide array of events and uniquely associates these events with various users. A profile system exists which focuses on the users and their interactions with one another.


To connect the exponent client to your nodeJS server, start ngrok:

./ngrok http 3000

Or with your own subdomain:

./ngrok http -subdomain=ourowndomain8463 3000

Then add your baseUrl to localvars.js in /lib

Relevant Technologies

There are a few technologies that are important to know in order to effectively use this code base.


If you are developing on a local machine, you'll want to use ngrok. This allows you to make requests to your own machine through local host by creating a tunnel. Using the basic localhost method does not work correctly with Exponent, so tend to ngrok.


This is the XDE in which we work. Exponent features are largely unused in code, save for some asset loading and routing.


Most all of React Native is available for use inside Exponent. Exponent itself does help fill certain gaps, meaning it should never be necessary to write Swift/Java.


This is not a technology you code in, per se, but it's important to note that you should use both an Android and iOS simulator. React Native renders things differently on each device and if you use both simulators you can save yourself from later headaches.

Hello, Code!

Reactivity's front end consists of a rather large code base. At first glance, the code can be somewhat confusing. This section seeks to communicate a broad overview of the code and how one might navigate through and modify it in a developmentally sound way.

File Structure

There are currently around 10 top-level folders, but only a few of these are heavily used in development. A description of these folders follows.

--> .exponent: This consists of a few JSON files which configure Exponent, the Developer Environment in which this app is created.

--> api: This consists of a single function which requests device permissions. This should not be confused with the 'api' object regularly imported and used.

--> assets: Fairly straightforward. Currently, this is only used to keep fonts.

--> components: One of the main files; components contains a variety of components. These are all used as sub-components. If a component uses the entire screen, it is referred to as a 'screen' and will be in the associated folder.

--> constants: A largely unused folder with various color settings (not used in styling), alert management and layout control. Again, these are largely not directly used.

--> lib: This is a collection of 'helper files'. They are widely used, so the important ones will be discussed.

            --> ajaxCalls:  (Nearly) all of our server calls are contained here. The calls
                            generally make use of a 'fetch template'.

            --> loader:     Manages 'preloading'. If you need to load assets before displaying
                            a screen, write the loading function(s) here.

            --> localvars:  If you are developing on your local machine, you'll need to use ngrok.
                            Place your ngrok url here.

            --> reduxStore: Arguably the most important file in this codebase -- the redux store 
                            collects and manages state which various components need access to.
                            This file is busy. While you should *only* have one redux store,
                            reducer functions can be broken out and combined at the end with a 
                            special redux combination function. The default state must also be a
                            single object; but this can be iteratively generated for easier
                            reading of code.

--> navigation: The two files here manage the page-to-page routing.

--> node_mod.: Node modules.

--> screens: These are all of the components which render as entire mobile pages. They make use of sub-components, but they should never be subcomponents themselves. You should be able to route to all screens.

--> utilities: This is unused. In the future, testing suites would be placed and utilized here.

Golden Rules

There are only a few 'Golden Rules' which should be followed when contributing to or modifying this code base. They are as follows:

  1. Use only one redux store.

    You can have multiple reducer functions, but maintain only one store. This is a redux best practice and it saves headaches later. A redux store is essentially an object and it has no size limit. If readability is an issue, refactor so that you construct the default state object with objects created elsewhere. The default state, and thus the store state, should only consist of one 'object' when the reducer is initialized, however.

  2. But newly created components in the right folder.

    If it is a 'sub-component', which means that its parent is a screen, put it in the component's folder. If it is a screen, which means that it has no parent which has an associated view, put it in the screens folder. There are simply too many components to have them all in the same folder. Consider breaking apart each folder even further for clarity.