Web-tool to search YouTube for geographically tagged videos by channel, topic, and location. Videos are viewable in a map and exportabled to CSV.
- 4tiresPortugal
- 7h3rAm@Cisco-Talos
- abstraction
- Adimote
- AnoRebel@HackEAC
- arlidgeNew Zealand
- Bisquick69Above
- dickienautNew York, New York
- diegodisant@Wizeline
- digital-bri
- FlashJuniorSwitzerland
- flechablanca19Encripted_IA
- GONZOsintHagakure
- gormus@Unity-Technologies
- hbm2048
- jakuta-tech
- jonobrienVienna, VA
- jschankerMolloy University
- kasimkobakci
- LaeyoungbHaptics, Inc.
- lifa123china
- mae829@10up
- mikaelxxxBerlin
- nathanpatin
- noobtodamax
- OSINTAIFreelance
- pax
- robozevelTel Aviv
- salaheldinaz.
- smcnallyMean Business
- swimmer-zoneEindhoven
- ubuntulover09india
- vcjpierreSanta Cruz, BO
- VictorParra1936
- windyinsc
- xnumad