
D3 based map showing meteorite strikes on Earth

Primary LanguageJavaScript

D3 Meteorite Map

The D3 meteorite map shows meteorite strikes across the globe.

To Use

The user can hover over each meteorite strike to get information about the meteorite. They can see the name, the mass of the meteorite, and the year that the strike happened.


This project has open issues. Development is based on the development branch. To contribute, follow these steps:

  • git clone https://github.com/matty22/D3_MeteoriteMap.git
  • git checkout development
  • git checkout -b issue-label/reference-to-issue (ex. bug/fix-grammar-error)

Make your changes in your local copy...

  • git add [filename].ext
  • git commit -m "Concise message that explains your changes"
  • git checkout development
  • git pull
  • git checkout fix/my-branch
  • git merge development
  • git push origin fix/my-branch

Then, open a PR on the development branch on the repo.

For questions, read these three blog posts for guidelines on how to contribute: