
Full stack polling application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vote-tastic Voting Machine

The Vote-tastic Voting Machine allows users to create polls for their friends and other users to vote on. On the Polls page the user can see all of the existing polls and vote on any and all of them. In order to create a new poll or delete an existing poll, the user must sign up for an account and log in. The application uses ngx-charts to show the real time poll results in a beautiful format.

To Use

Sign up for an account with your email address and a password. Go to the Polls page. To vote on an existing poll, click on the 'Vote' button on any of the cards on the Polls page. To create a new poll, click on the 'New Poll' button. Enter a poll question, and the possible poll answers. When you've finished adding poll answers, click the 'Save Poll' button. To delete a poll, open up the poll and click on the red trashcan button.


This project has open issues. Development is based on the development branch. To contribute, follow these steps:

  • git clone https://github.com/matty22/VotingApp.git
  • git checkout development
  • git checkout -b issue-label/reference-to-issue (ex. bug/fix-grammar-error)

Make your changes in your local copy...

  • git add [filename].ext
  • git commit -m "Concise message that explains your changes"
  • git checkout development
  • git pull
  • git checkout fix/my-branch
  • git merge development
  • git push origin fix/my-branch

Then, open a PR on the development branch on the repo.

For questions, read these three blog posts for guidelines on how to contribute: