
Query wikipedia API to search for information on any given topic

Primary LanguageHTML

Wikipedia Viewer

The wikipedia viewer project will allow the user to do a search using the Wikipedia Search API. The viewer will return the 10 most pertinent results from the search and display those for the user which can be clicked to redirect to the corresponding wikipedia page. The user can also click the 'Random Article' button to see a random article on wikipedia.

To Use

Enter your search query into the input field and hit enter or click the 'Search' button. Alternatively, click the 'Random Article' button.


This project has open issues. Development is based on the development branch. To contribute, follow these steps:

  • git clone https://github.com/matty22/Wikipedia-Viewer.git
  • git checkout development
  • git checkout -b issue-label/reference-to-issue (ex. bug/fix-grammar-error)

Make your changes in your local copy...

  • git add [filename].ext
  • git commit -m "Concise message that explains your changes"
  • git checkout development
  • git pull
  • git checkout fix/my-branch
  • git merge development
  • git push origin fix/my-branch

Then, open a PR on the development branch on the repo.

For questions, read these three blog posts for guidelines on how to contribute: