
Minecraft Spigot Plugin - Place a dropper that provides the only source of food

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Minecraft Spigot Plugin - Place a dropper that provides the only source of food. Made for version 1.18.1

Download the plugin under releases

Published to spigotmc.org here

Demo (click)

Demo Video

Table of Commands

Command Action
/dropperplace Place the dropper.
/dropperremove Remove the dropper.
/droppergetdroplet [count] Get [count] droplets.

About the Project

The idea for creating FoodDropper came about when I wanted to make a Minecraft mod that would be really good for a YouTube video. At the time, those gimmicky SMPs were trending, such as LifeSteal SMP. I thought that having one dropper in the world that provided the sole source of food would make for a good video, since whoever controls the dropper, effectively controls everyone. It'd make for some good plots, moments, etc.

The java files that the plugin is made of are located at src/main/java/me/matty/variety. On a side note, the word "variety" is used a lot in the files. That's just because it's the temporary word I used before having come up with a proper idea for the project.


  • Java
  • Maven
  • APIs (Spigot)
  • Git
  • IntelliJ IDEA