

Primary LanguagePython

svn to git migration scripts

This is a collection of scripts and files to support the migration of Pentaho subversion repositories to git.

Basic Usage

A fairly comprehensive authors file is included as authors.txt. Please update this if you have changes and use it for all migrations.

We're using the svn2git migration tool to perform the import. Follow the setup instructions on the svn2git project page:

One setup execute the following to import a subversion project:

# svn2git doesn't create a folder for you, do so yourself
mkdir NEW_REPO  

# Assumes you've cloned this repo to the parent directory
svn2git $SUBVERSION_FOLDER_URL  --authors ../svn-git-migration-scripts/authors.txt  
  optional: --nobranches --notags  

# When importing from the internal SVN, you might need to provide
# your username and password. You will need to use the following arguments:
svn2git -v --username [username] --authors ../svn-git-migration-scripts/authors.txt

# Remove deleted branches and tags, we don't want them.
git branch -a | grep @ | xargs git branch -d  
git tag | grep @ | xargs git tag -d  

# Normalize line-endings, run from the directory right above your repo
zip -qr normal.zip NEW_REPO && unzip -aqo normal.zip && rm normal.zip

# Add in our stadard .gitignore and .gitattributes files as found in this repo.
   "git add" then "git commit" them  

git remote add origin $GITHUB_URL  
git push origin master  
   (optionally push other branches)  

git push origin --tags  

Generating an authors file

  • sh gen-svn-authors.sh $REPO_URL > my-repos-authors.txt This generates an authors list in the format svn_username = svn_username <svn_username@pentaho.com>
  • Edit my-repos-authors.txt to fix the actual names and email addresses as required.

Removing history beyond a certain commit

In the event that a subversion project was created as a copy of another the migration will follow the history back to through the original project. This is not desirable and history past the creation of the project should be discarded. You can use the following command to remove history beyond a certain commit hash. This is not permanent until you invoke git gc on the repository.

sh git-remove-history-past.sh $COMMIT_HASH

Advanced Scripts

Reparenting branches

The git-replace-parent.sh script was useful to fix branchs when migrating the Mondrian project from Perforce. It will likely not be needed for any Subversion migration but it exists incase we need to manually fix branch histories. For more information see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3810348/setting-git-parent-pointer-to-a-different-parent.
