Brenda is an application made to replace my_ usage of org-mode. In particular that is:
- Time tracking
- Journalling
I love org-mode. I think it's a great way of tracking what you need done, how you are spending your time and your notes. It's also a pretty good markup language.
Unfortunately I do not love Emacs. I am not a fan of how "heavy" it feels and I generally prefer to spend time in the terminal where it is definitely not great. I have also converted over to kakoune which, although similar to vim/evil-mode, does not have key bindings in Emacs.
For that reason I decided to write my own program.
The main interface is a terminal user interface which relies on hot keys and vim style navigation. For example, 'j' and 'k' go down/up the list of TODOs; 'r' moves the TODO into the IN_REVIEW state 'i' and 'o' clock in and and out respectively; and 'J' creates a journal entry not linked to any TODO.
Any text editing that is required is done in kak, although later brenda should respect the $EDITOR environment variable. Journal entries are in markdown.
There is also a command line interface defined to create and edit tasks.
The program is designed to only have one instance running at a time. It uses sqlite as the datastore. It is written in Zig (v0.10.0-dev.4197+9a2f17f9f) with the stage1 compiler (due to zig-sqlite requiring it).
To build:
$ zig build -fstage1
This will put an executable at ./zig-out/bin/brenda.
$ brenda todo new "This is the todo title" tags:comma,separated,list state:in_progress priority:2
$ brenda todo # List all TODOs in a table
$ brenda todo edit <todo id> "title:Different title" priority:2 state:done
$ brenda report # Reports what todos/tags have been clocked this working week
- q - quit,
- k - .up,
- j - down,
- r - in_review
- p - in_progress
- t - todo
- b - blocked
- d - done
- c - cancelled
- i - Clock in
- o - Clock out
- { - Lower priority
- } - Increase priority
- J - Create journal entry
- ENTER - Create a journal entry linked to the current TODO
- h - Show journal entries for current TODO
- TODOs have states
- Time tracking
- Journalling both linked and not linked to a TODO
- Seeing a TODO's journal history
- TODOs can have links
- Meeting notes tracking
- Searching of TODOs
- Searching of journal entries
- Searching of meeting notes
- Support for different editors
- Create/edit TODOs in the editor
- Repeate TODOs
- Allow TODOs to have a deadline
- Exporting notes
- Building an editor
- Integrating into an editor
- Habit tracking