
A flexible Unreal Engine plugin that provides generic Item and Affix generation, utilizing DataTables and Instanced Structs.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Generic Itemization Plugin


The underpinning motivation behind the development of this Plugin and its subsequent free availability to the community was borne out of a desire to simply explore and understand the limitations of the Instanced Struct framework and especially its usefulness towards DataTables. While also providing a useful implementation of Itemization utilizing these features that you might find in a traditional ARPG (similar to Diablo or Path of Exile).

Added in Unreal Engine 5.0 and better developed in later engine versions, Instanced Structs work similarly as instanced UObject* properties but are USTRUCTs. DataTables do not support the usage of instanced UObject* properties and thus the introduction of Instanced Structs brings much needed flexibility to DataTables. This plugin will explore that new relationship.

This Project and Plugin are a work in progress and as stated before, my own exploration into Instanced Structs. I make no guarantee of the accuracy of information or the approach being close to best practice. I will update this plugin as I learn more and get a better understanding of how to make use of Instanced Structs, especially in conjunction with Blueprint.

If you find the Generic Itemization Plugin useful to you, please consider making a donation, although I provide it for free and with no expectations, I have put considerable time into this work and appreciate any contributions.

You can find my contact information on my website: https://fissureentertainment.com/

Latest compiled against: UE 5.4.0

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Table of Contents

1 Intro to Instanced Structs and the Generic Itemization Plugin
2 Sample Project
3 Setting Up a Project Using the Generic Itemization Plugin
4 Class Layout
5 Generic Itemization Concepts

5.1 Drop Tables

5.1.1 Drop Table Types
5.1.2 Mutators
5.1.3 Quality Type Bonuses

5.2 Items

5.2.1 Item Definition Item Type and Item Identifier Spawnable Pick Chance Quality Type ItemQualityRatio and Quality Type selection Affix Count, Predefined Affixes and the Affix Pool User Data Item Instancing Function Item Stack Settings Item Socket Settings

5.2.2 Item Instance
5.2.3 Item Sockets

5.3 Affixes

5.3.1 Affix Definition Affix Type Spawnable Pick Chance Occurs for Item Type, Quality Type and Quality Level Required Item Affix Level Modifiers Should Aggregate In Sockets

5.3.2 Affix Instance

5.4 Item Instancing Process
5.5 Item Drop Actor
5.6 Item Dropper Component

5.6.1 Item Instancing Context and the Context Provider Function

5.7 Item Inventory Component

5.7.1 Modifying Item Instances

6 Other Resources

1. Intro to Instanced Structs and the Generic Itemization Plugin

Instanced Structs

As briefly explained above, introduced in Unreal Engine 5.0 is the StructUtils plugin that brings with it the concept of Instanced Structs. They do exactly what their name suggests; provides the same features as instanced objects but embodied as USTRUCTs. This comes with several advantages, the most prominent of which is their light weight nature as compared to their counter parts in instanced UObject*s.

Instanced Structs are also fully polymorphic and serialized across the network. Meaning they support replicated, effectively arbitrary data. It is up to the receiver to interpret that data appropriately.

This documentation is not an exhaustive overview of Instanced Structs but I will provide explanation of my understanding of their usage throughout the document.

A quick example of what an Instanced Struct might look like can be found below.

struct MY_API FMyStructParent

	int32 ParentProperty;

struct MY_API FMyStructChild : public FMyStructParent

	float ChildProperty;

struct MY_API FMyStructChildOfChild : public FMyStructChild

	bool ChildOfChildProperty;

Declared above are 3 regular USTRUCTs which have a hierarchy derived from each of the previous. A great attribute of Instanced Structs is that they do not require any extra or special code of the USTRUCT they are representing in order to work. Declaring the above USTRUCTs as Instanced Structs is as easy as the following:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (BaseStruct = "MyStructParent"))
FInstancedStruct MyStructParentProperty;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (ExcludeBaseStruct))
TInstancedStruct<FMyStructChild> MyStructChildProperty;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (BaseStruct = "MyStructParent", ExcludeBaseStruct))
TArray<TInstancedStruct<FMyStructParent>> MyArrayOfMyStructParentProperties;

The Editor displays them as such.

Instanced Struct Example in Editor

Take special note of how the BaseStruct meta in conjunction with FInstancedStruct and the TInstancedStruct type are used interchangeably. TInstancedStruct is a type safe wrapper around an FInstancedStruct and can be used in its place without declaring the BaseStruct meta.

There is also an unfortunate quirk where when utilizing Instanced Structs with a TArray you must still include the BaseStruct meta in order for the Editor to understand the type correctly, as utilizing TInstancedStruct, while it does mention in the documentation that it will initialize the BaseStruct meta natively, this is not the case for when the property is exposed in Editor Details Panels via TArrays.

ExcludeBaseStruct also does as its name suggests, it will not display the BaseStruct as a selectable option for the Instanced Struct property within the dropdown.

Another useful meta property that is supported by Instanced Structs is ShowTreeView, which is not documented as working with Instanced Structs but causes them to be displayed in dropdowns in a tree view instead of a straight list.

What is the Generic Itemization Plugin

Itemization is generally speaking the process of defining and creating Items, these Items can apply modifiers to attributes, grant new abilities to their users or affect other changes to gameplay. A typical example of what Itemization is can be found in ARPGs like Diablo or Path of Exile.

The Generic Itemization Plugin implements this process in a way that can be applied to any style of game that requires the instantiation of Items from predefined aggregated tables of Items and Affixes. Some of what the Plugin provides are mechanisms for controlling things like rarity, distribution, stats and their ranges, through Affixes as well as how those Affixes are to be applied to particular Item types.

The plugin manages these things through DataTables. A lot of DataTables. These DataTables describe things like DropTables, ItemDefinitions, AffixDefinitions, ItemQualityRatios and AffixCountRatios. All these DataTables provide the foundational data behind what Items are, what Affixes are, their qualities and how often they appear.

All of these aspects of Itemization and many others are customizable through the Plugin via UObject classes that can be overridden by Blueprints. These Blueprints expose core functions for things like how Items are selected, how they calculate certain attributes, which Affixes and how many of them an ItemInstance can have and much more.

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2. Sample Project

A sample third person project is included with this documentation and is designed to demonstrate the Generic Itemization Plugins flexibility and ease of use without introducing any additional code.

The goal is to keep the project simple for those that wish to take advantage of what it offers out of the box without having to dive deep into setting up the nitty gritty details. It does not focus on advanced usage such as overriding Affix Selection to implement more complex requirements that maybe desired on a per game basis.

It demonstrates the following non exhaustive list of concepts in no particular order:

  • Defining Items as ItemDefinitions inside DataTables.
  • Defining Affixes as AffixDefinitions inside DataTables.
  • Selecting an AffixPool for an ItemDefinition.
  • How to layout an ItemQualityRatio DataTable for Item QualityType determination.
  • Setup of an AffixCountRatio DataTable to determine the number of Affixes for particular Item QualityTypes.
  • Applications of an AffixModifier to AffixDefinition to describe what the Affix changes.
  • Managing AffixPickRequirements to decide which Affixes can be selected by which Items.
  • UserData for expressing additional information about ItemDefinitions we want to display to users.
  • Changing UItemInstancingContextFunction for passing in context information for an Item being Instanced.
  • Setting up DropTables that ultimately determine the pools of Items that can be selected for.
  • Overriding the AItemDrop Actor to display actual instances of Items within the world.
  • Usage of the ItemDropperComponent to actually drop Item Instances in the world.
  • How Drop Tables can make arbitrary modifications to Items during the Item Instancing Process with Mutators.
  • Stacking Items on top of other Items of the same type.

The Sample Project has sample data taken from Diablo 2 in order to demonstrate the plugins usage, it also provides some minimal User Interface additions to make visualizing the Itemization that has been implemented.

Sample Project Example

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3. Setting Up a Project Using the Generic Itemization Plugin

Setup of the Generic Itemization Plugin is extremely simple. It does not require any additional code in order to get running as it provides an end to end experience for the vast majority of its functionality out of the box.

Simply add the Plugin to your C++ or Blueprint based Project by placing the GenericItemization plugin folder into the YOURPROJECT/Plugins/ folder. Do not forget to add it to your projects .Build.cs dependencies if you are going to utilize it in C++.

Once it is integrated as explained above, you are free to move ahead and add Items and Affixes, drop Items from Actors and manage them as necessary for your specific games needs.

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4. Class Layout

The Class Layout of the entire Generic Itemization Plugin is displayed below. It shows the relationships between different classes and struct types. As well as how some of their properties relate to one another. It also shows all of the functions available to each class.

Item System Layout

You will want to view it in full as a separate window in order to make out its details.

This overview of the structure of the Plugin may become useful for you later as you continue through this documentation.

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5. Generic Itemization Concepts


5.1 Drop Tables
5.2 Items
5.3 Affixes
5.4 Item Instancing Process
5.5 ItemDrop Actor
5.6 Item Dropper Component
5.7 Item Inventory Component

5.1 Drop Tables

DropTables are the core data of what makes up the Generic Itemization plugin. They contain entries that describe how many Items can be selected for (PickCount) during the Item selection process, what the probability of no Item being selected for is (NoPickChance) and finally the actual layout of what Items or other DropTables are selectable when that entry is used during the Item selection process.

The entries in a DropTable are made up of a few different types. Which are described in 5.1.1 - DropTable Types.

The PickCount should be self explanatory. It is how many times we will make a selection from that entry for an Item Definition.

The NoPickChance is a special property of the DropTable entries that describes the probability, for a single Pick, that nothing will be selected.

To make a simple example, if we had a DropTable entry with a NoPickChance of 1 and a single ItemDropTable entry that also has a PickChance of 1. Both the NoPick and ItemDropTable entry have the same probability of being selected. They each have a 1/2 chance of being chosen. If the NoPickChance was 2, then NoPick would have a 2/3 chance of being selected.

The above example is true by default for all selection processes throughout the entire plugin.

Item Drop Table

5.1.1 Drop Table Types

There are currently 3 different types of ItemDropTable entry types that can be selected from when composing a DropTable. Each serves a specific purpose that can be utilized to architect a DropTable that achieves any combination of outcomes for which Items will be selected for.

  • ItemDefinitionEntry
  • ItemDefinitionCollection
  • ItemDropTableCollection

Each ItemDropTable entry type has a PickChance property that describes the probability of that entry being selected for against all of the other entries that may exist along side it. This also includes the NoPickChance which is added as the first entry in the pool of selectable entries during the selection process.

Item Definition Entry

The ItemDefinitionEntry type is a pointer to another entry in a DataTable that contains ItemDefinitions. It allows you to describe the selection of a single Item that you may want to be selected for specifically in a higher level of the DropTable, where you may want to override particular elements of its selection, such as its PickChance in relation to other entries.

Item Definition Entry

Item Definition Collection Entry

The ItemDefinitionCollection entry type is a DataTable itself that contains ItemDefinitions, from which a selection will be made within that DataTable based on the PickRequirements and PickFunction that are described on the ItemDefinitionCollection entry within the DropTable.

This types native PickRequirements allow you to define the QualityLevel range that a selection from that DataTable of ItemDefinitions will be made.

PickRequirements is an Instanced Struct that the PickFunction uses to determine what entries from the ItemDefinition pool are valid for selection. These can be overridden to provide extra requirements that you might want for your Itemization.

The PickFunction is an Object of UItemDefinitionCollectionPickFunction type and contains a single function DoesItemDefinitionSatisfyPickRequirements that can be overridden both in C++ and Blueprint. It is called for every ItemDefinition that is in the pool to compare it against the requirements.

This allows you to compose DataTables of ItemDefinitions with all of the Items you like, regardless of their QualityLevel together and still have fine grain control over which ones will be available as part of that entries selection pool.

Most entries in a DropTable will be of this type.

Item Definition Collection Entry

Item DropTable Collection Entry

The ItemDropTableCollection entry is a little more complex than the others above. It has a recursive nature, in that it allows the selection of other DropTable entries with its own set of PickRequirements and accompanying PickFunction.

By default, this type does not have any native PickRequirements. These can be overridden to implement any functionality you like for deciding which entries are selected for in the same way that the ItemDefinitionCollection entries PickRequirements and PickFunction can.

Item Drop Table Collection Entry

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5.1.2 Mutators

Item Drop Tables can opt to define arbitrary data that is passed along in the ItemInstancingContext when they go to generate a new Item as part of the Item Instancing Process.

This arbitrary data comes in the form of a Map of GameplayTags and an accompanying float value. These can be queried within the ItemInstancingContext.

The Sample Project makes use of this to allow Drop Tables to modify the magnitude of the amounts of Gold that can be dropped for a given entry in the Drop Table.

Item Drop Table Mutators

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5.1.3 Quality Type Bonuses

In order to affect the likelihood of a particular QualityType of Item to be selected from a Drop Table, the Drop Table can describe adjustments to the Factor that is used when making the QualityType selection.

Drop Tables have a QualityTypeBonuses property that allow you to express these changes for a particular entry in the table.

Item Drop Table Quality Type Bonuses

This describes how much to reduce the Factor by for that QualityType. The default implementation of QualityType selection operates on the basis that QualityTypes are rolled for separately and the first to have a Pick value of < 128 is chosen.

The AdjustedFactor changes the overall Pick value by that amount where 1024 forces it to 0 (will absolutely be selected, assuming a QualityType in front doesn't get selected first). A value of -1024 will likely cause the QualityType to be skipped during selection.

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5.2 Items

Items are data structures which contain information that can affect gameplay which maybe presented to the Player in-game.

The Generic Itemization Plugin is designed to strip away a lot of the game specific properties of Items that are typically found in games like Diablo and Path of Exile to give you a bare bones slate to build upon for what an Item means to you and your game. Items do however retain important components of what makes up the Itemization system as a whole, such as the concepts of rarity, distribution, quality and the idea of Affixes.

Items are the lifeblood of the Generic Itemization Plugin and of games that utilize those types of systems which you can find especially in ARPGs.


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5.2.1 Item Definition

ItemDefinitions are one of the core types within the Generic Itemization plugin. It is what describes an individual Items static data. There are few parts of the plugin which do not touch an ItemDefintion in some way.

They are an Instanced Struct type held within DataTables. This means that you can override the default type with your own to introduce new information about what Items are to your game (UserData is a preferable choice to introducing new information, however there are some advantages to overriding the ItemDefinition itself).

Item Definition

The ItemDefinition describes everything about an Item and also how an ItemInstance is to be generated from it.

⬆ Back to Top Item Type and Item Identifier

The ItemType and ItemIdentifier of an Item places it into a particular category that has consequences for elements of its behaviour and generation options that are available to it in the Item Instancing Process.

The main restriction that is imposed on an Item by its ItemType is the Affixes that are available to it when an ItemInstance of that Item is being generated. Affixes have requirements on the types of Items they can be generated on.

The ItemIdentifier is critical to managing an individual Items ability to be stacked on similar/same Items. The ItemIdentifier is designed such that it should be made unique across every ItemDefinition however this is not enforced.

⬆ Back to Top Spawnable

Because the Generic Itemization plugin is heavily reliant on data. There is a need for a mechanism to outright disable ItemDefinitions (and other concepts like AffixDefinitions) from being selectable in the Item Instancing Process.

The bSpawnable flag on the ItemDefintion provides this control. When this flag is set to false, that ItemDefinition cannot be selected during the Item Instancing Process and is effectively ignored.

This allows entries to remain within the DataTable (either because they are obsolete, outdated or otherwise) whilst still providing access to the static information they provide.

⬆ Back to Top Pick Chance

The PickChance outlined on an ItemDefinition is that entries probability for selection when composed into an ItemDefinition pool that the Item Instancing Process creates behind the scenes as its making selections.

⬆ Back to Top Quality Type

The QualityType of an Item can be thought of as the grade of that type of Item. ItemDefinitions have 2 choices when defining their QualityType.

They can opt to have a predefined type or utilize an ItemQualityRatio DataTable that describes the probabilities of that Item being of a particular QualityType.

⬆ Back to Top ItemQualityRatio and Quality Type selection

If an ItemDefinition does not have a predefined QualityType, it must instead designate an ItemQualityRatio table. Such a table expresses all of the QualityTypes that would be available to that ItemDefinition and their selection ratios.

When an ItemInstance is being generated from that ItemDefinition it will have the UItemInstancingFunction::SelectItemQualityType function called on its ItemInstancingFunction Object to manage selection of the QualityType. This function uses that ItemQualityRatio table to make the selection.

Item Quality Ratio

The Ratios are defined in an Array. The process by which the selection is made is as follows. For each of the Ratio entries in the Array, a Suitability value is generated by taking the Base, Divisor and Factor values, along with the ItemLevel and QualityLevel of the ItemInstance. There is also a MagicFind term that is taken from the ItemInstancingContext that amplifies the probabilities of each QualityType being selected.

In the above example, the QualityTypes are laid out in a most valuable to least valuable form. With Itemization.QualityType.Rare being the first entry. Therefore its probability value is generated first.

The probability value must be less than 128 for a QualityType to be successfully selected. The first QualityType to pass this test is the one chosen. If none pass then the last QualityType in the array is chosen instead.

The default formula used in the UItemInstancingFunction::SelectItemQualityType function for the selection of the QualityType looks like this:

Probability = (Base - ((ItemLevel - QualityLevel) / Divisor)) * 128;

The multiplication by 128 decreases rounding errors which is accounted for at the end as explained where probability must be less than this value for the QualityType to be selected. The MagicFind is integrated along with the Factor which causes diminishing returns for that QualityType.

EffectiveMagicFind = (Factor > 0) ? (MagicFind * Factor / (MagicFind + Factor)) : MagicFind;
Probability = Probability * 100 / (100 + EffectiveMagicFind);

Drop Tables can also define an adjustment to the Factor, this is integrated afterwards.

if (DropTableFactor > 0)
	Probability = Probability - (Probability * DropTableFactor / 1024);
	Probability = Probability - (Probability / 1024);

With MagicFind integrated, the final value for Suitability is then set to a random number in the range 0 - Suitability. This value is checked for less than 128 to which that QualityType would be selected if true. Otherwise the next QualityType is run through the same process and so on.

FinalProbability = ItemStream.RandHelper(FMath::Clamp(FinalProbability, 0, FinalProbability));
if (FinalProbability < 128)
	// This QualityType is successfully selected.
	SelectedItemQualityType = ItemQualityRatioType.QualityType;
	return true;

⬆ Back to Top Affix Count, Predefined Affixes and the Affix Pool

An ItemDefintion has the choice to define how many Affixes it will be able to generate at random from the AffixPool. This is managed through an AffixCountRatio DataTable. If this table is not defined on the ItemDefinition then it is assumed that Item cannot generate random Affixes. This is not the same as predefined Affixes, which are a separate property of an ItemDefinition, predefined Affixes are implied to be inherent to all ItemInstances of that ItemDefinition and are not randomly generated by the nature of them being predefined.

Affix Count Ratio

This DataTable outlines an Array similar to the ItemQualityRatio DataTable, in that each entry describes a QualityType and the range for the number of Affixes that it can have randomly generated for it.

It is rather simple in comparison, UItemInstancingFunction::DetermineAffixCount is called on the ItemInstancingFunction Object for that ItemInstance and it simply finds the entry in the AffixCountRatio DataTable that corresponds to its QualityType and takes a random value in the range Min - Max as shown in the example image above.

If no entry exists for that QualityType then it is assumed that it does not want to generate any random Affixes and will return a Affix Count of 0.

There is also a flag on the ItemDefinition called bOnlyPredefinedAffixes which completely disables for ItemInstances using the ItemDefinition from generating any random Affixes regardless of if the AffixCountRatio DataTable is defined and it has a QualityType entry in that table. As its name suggests, only the list of PredefinedAffixes will be available on the ItemInstance.

The AffixPool is a property that defines a DataTable of all of the Affixes that are available to ItemInstances having Affixes generated for them from that ItemDefinition. See the section on Affixes for further information on its layout and usage.

⬆ Back to Top User Data

The UserData property on the ItemDefinition is a Map of Gameplay Tags and Instanced Structs designed to provide a mechanism to associate arbitrary data with an ItemDefinition.

User Data

In the Sample Project, it is used to hold references to assets that are displayed on the User Interface, such as the DisplayImage of the ItemInstance that was generated from the ItemDefinition.

You can easily categories and query for specific data by making use of the Gameplay Tag key.

⬆ Back to Top Item Instancing Function

Each ItemDefinition must describe a valid ItemInstancingFunction. This Class type is a vital part of how ItemInstances are created from ItemDefinitions.

It contains many functions, which can be overridden in C++ and Blueprint, that help an ItemInstance determine its properties from the ItemDefinition it is being generated from. You can look at the Class Layout for a full list of all of its functions. Many of which can be overridden to change their behaviour.

The default UItemInstancingFunction class is setup to manage generating an appropriate ItemInstance from an ItemDefinition and only Advanced Users that need alternative functionality should override it.

The ItemInstancingFunction class has its functions called from the Class Default Object of that type by the Item Instancing Process when necessary for generating the relevant properties of the ItemInstance.

It is also responsible for defining the AffixPickFunction, that controls how Affixes are selected from the Affix Pool for an Item when it is being generated.

⬆ Back to Top Item Stack Settings

ItemDefinitions can choose to describe if and how ItemInstances that are derived from them can be stacked.

By default there is no ItemStackSettings defined on an ItemDefinition, you must opt into this. Meaning that stacking is by default not available. You can easily create a new Blueprint that derives from UItemStackSettings, set bStackable to true and assign it to the ItemDefinition for the Item you wish to be stackable.

Item Stack Settings

The ItemStackSettings stacking requirements is an InstancedStruct that can be overridden to implement further requirements you might need. The UItemStackSettings class implements a CanStackWith function that is overridable in both C++ and Blueprint, this is where you would introduce more requirements.

The native requirements simply allow you to determine which elements of Items allow them to be stacked on one another. An underpinning requirement for all stackable Items is that they are derived from the same ItemType and ItemIdentifier which is expressed in the ItemDefinition.

ItemInstances that meet the ItemStackSettings requirements can be stacked onto each other via the ItemInventoryComponent of the Item that needs its stack increased. Calling StackItemFromInventory or StackItemFromItemDrop will perform the stacking operation.

Stackable Items

The Sample Project implements stackable Items in the form of both Potions and Gold. It also provides functionality to the Inventory UI to demonstrate the stacking operations which can affect a visually interactable Item like a Potion, which is dropped into the Inventory as opposed to a more abstract Item such as Gold which is accumulated directly on pickup.

⬆ Back to Top Item Socket Settings

Items that can contains Sockets will enable and define the settings which govern the Sockets that they can contain.

The ItemSocketSettings is an Object that describes the SocketDefinitions of the maximum number of Sockets that an Item can be assigned during the Item Instancing Process.

The SocketDefinition is a simple structure that describes restrictions on what ItemTypes and QualityTypes of Items can be inserted into that particular Socket. The ItemSocketSettings can choose to define any number of Sockets and they do not all have to be the same. This way you can have different Sockets accepting different types of Items.

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5.2.2 Item Instance

An ItemInstance is an actual Item that has been generated from an ItemDefinition. Typically it will be owned by an ItemDrop Actor or an ItemInventoryComponent, Advanced Users might want to manage it in other ways but by default only those 2 classes can own an ItemInstance that gets created by an ItemDropperComponent.

ItemInstances are produced in accordance to the functions on the ItemInstancingFunction that is defined on the ItemDefinition that the ItemInstance is being generated from.

They contain a list of all of their Affixes as well as the ItemInstancingContext that was present when it was generated. They also retain the ItemDefinition they were generated with in order to have direct access to that static data for gameplay and other purposes.

Item Instance

The Struct type of an ItemInstance can only be overridden from the C++ function UItemInstancingFunction::MakeItemInstance, due to Blueprint Structs not being able to support inheritance from a base type (as ItemInstances must be derived from the FItemInstance struct type). If you need to introduce additional functionality or properties to an ItemInstance you would need to manage it in C++. Alternatively utilizing Affixes might be a sufficient method depending on your needs.

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5.2.3 Item Sockets

Sockets on Items are a nesting mechanism for allowing an ItemInstance to contain another ItemInstance. The main driver behind providing a feature like this is that it can be made to cause inheritance of properties and Affixes of the nested ItemInstance onto the ItemInstance it is socketed into. This is a powerful concept from a gameplay perspective as it can provide endless combination of Items and drive replayability.

ItemDefinitions contain 2 main properties that describe significant functionality, they are the StackSettings and SocketSettings. An ItemDefinition can only enable one of these at a time. This enforces restrictions on the types of Items that can contain Sockets. Another major restriction on the socketing system is that ItemDefinitions that choose to enable the SocketSettings cannot be socketed into another ItemInstance. This forces the socketing depth to 1 and reduces complexity.


Further control over how sockets behave on an Item are expressed by the SocketableInto and MaximumSocketCount properties on the ItemDefinition.


This property gives control to the ItemDefinition on what types of sockets it can be inserted into. The ItemSocketDefinition of a socket describes its SocketType that corresponds directly to this container.


The ItemSocketSettings on the ItemDefinition describe all of the potential available sockets that an ItemInstance can ever have. The MaximumSocketCount property provides further control to the ItemDefinition for placing restrictions on the maximum amount of sockets generated during the Item Instancing Process.

Determination of the sockets that are generated onto an ItemInstance are exposed by the DetermineActiveSockets function, which is available to override on the UItemInstancingFunction and UItemSocketSettings Objects. The Sample Project overrides the ItemSocketSettings version of the function to implement some functionality for socket selection based on the QualityType of the ItemInstance to help demonstrate this functionality.

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5.3 Affixes

Affixes are collections of modifiers that affect changes to properties of an Item or any other gameplay element. The Generic Itemization Plugin provides a mechanism for defining and generating Affixes for Items, however it does not go into great detail on the final usage of those Affixes. That is up to the User to describe.

Games like Diablo and Path of Exile use Affixes to change the properties of an Item itself, the Player Character Attributes, Strength and Power. As well as make changes to gameplay like granting abilities or performing other action dependant operations.


The Sample Project splits Affixes into 2 groups, Prefixes and Suffixes to demonstrate that different combinations of these can be restricted to appearing on specific Item QualityTypes. The Generic Itemization Plugin provides many mechanisms for managing Affixes.

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5.3.1 Affix Definition

AffixDefinitions are another of the core types within the Generic Itemization plugin. It is what describes an individual Affixes static data especially including the types of Modifiers that it will apply for an Item.

They are an Instanced Struct type held within DataTables. This means that you can override the default type with your own to introduce new information about what Affixes are to your game.

Affix Definition

⬆ Back to Top Affix Type

The AffixType of an Affix places it into a particular category that has consequences for elements of its behaviour and generation options that are available to it and the ItemInstance that it maybe being selected for in the Item Instancing Process.

The main restriction that is imposed on an Item by an AffixDefinitions AffixType is that Affix will not be selectable if another Affix of the same AffixType has already been chosen for that ItemInstance being generated. This restriction is imposed by the UAffixPickFunction::GetAffixesWithMinimumNativeRequirements function which generates the Affix Pool available for selection for an ItemInstance during the Item Instancing Process based on its requirements.

⬆ Back to Top Spawnable

Because the Generic Itemization plugin is heavily reliant on data. There is a need for a mechanism to outright disable AffixDefinitions (and other concepts like ItemDefinitions) from being selectable in the Item Instancing Process.

The bSpawnable flag on the AffixDefintion provides this control. When this flag is set to false, that AffixDefinition cannot be selected during the Item Instancing Process and is effectively ignored.

This allows entries to remain within the DataTable (either because they are obsolete, outdated or otherwise) whilst still providing access to the static information they provide.

⬆ Back to Top Pick Chance

The PickChance outlined on an AffixDefinition is that entries probability for selection when composed into an AffixDefinition pool that the Item Instancing Process creates behind the scenes as its making selections.

⬆ Back to Top Occurs for Item Types, Quality Types and Quality Level

There are several requirements that an ItemInstance that wants to have an Affix applied to it must meet from the Affix before it can have that Affix be considered within the Affix Pool for selection.

The native requirements from the Plugin are described in this section are mandatory to ensure that Affixes are applied correctly.

Occurs for Item Types

Affixes are able to manage which types of Items that they can appear on. This property is a Gameplay Tag Container that lists all of the ItemTypes that individual Affix can be available to be selected for.

Occurs for Quality Types

Just with ItemTypes, you can restrict access of an Affix to particular QualityTypes of Items as well. In the Sample Project there are a number of QualityTypes with different characteristics, we restrict particular Affixes from only appearing on these types and not others.

Occurs for Quality Level

You can also restrict an Affix from appearing on Items that do not meet a minimum QualityLevel. This is useful for ensuring that higher QualityLevel Items do not try to select from low quality Affixes if that concept is important to your game.

All of these requirements are checked and managed during the Item Instancing Process within the UAffixPickFunction::GetAffixesWithMinimumNativeRequirements function. This function specifically cannot be overridden in Blueprint, but is marked virtual for Advanced Users to modify within C++ if they so require. It is recommended for Blueprint Users to instead override the UAffixPickFunction::PickAffix function to introduce new requirements that they might need.

⬆ Back to Top Required Item Affix Level

These Minimum and Maximum Item Affix Level property requirements are relatively straight forward in that they provide control for restricting an Affix from being selectable during the Item Instancing Process on Items that do not meet that AffixLevel range. It is useful for stopping advanced Affixes from appearing on lower quality Items or inversely restricting low quality Affixes from applying to high quality Items.

⬆ Back to Top Modifiers

AffixDefinitions contain a list of Modifiers that are all of the AffixModifiers that describe how an Affix changes particular properties for an Item.

They are very simple in design at their current stage, effectively just an integer range that can represent anything you need.

There are no special restrictions or considerations for their usage and are entirely dependant upon the User as to how they are interpreted and utilized.

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Affixes can decide if they should appear in the Affix list of an Item when the ItemInstance they belong to is inside of a Socket of another ItemInstance.

Currently this is manifested in the UGenericItemizationStatics::GetItemAffixes and UItemInventoryComponent::GetItemAffixes functions.

These functions check for if the Affix has the bShouldAggregateInSockets property enabled on the AffixDefinition. If it doesn't, then it will not be returned as part of the list, when that Affix comes from a Socketed ItemInstance.


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5.3.2 Affix Instance

An AffixInstance is a relatively simple Instanced Struct as it currently stands, in that it is only pointing back to the AffixDefinition for the Affix that it is representing.

ItemInstances hold a list of all of the AffixInstances that were applied to it during its generation. An AffixInstance is created from the UItemInstancingFunction::MakeAffixInstance function and can only be overridden in C++ due to Blueprint structs not being capable of inheritance. If you need to create additional functionality on top of an AffixInstance you will need to override that function to introduce it appropriately.

AffixInstances that were applied to an Item by way of the ItemDefinitions predefined Affix list will have their bPredefinedAffix property set to true so they can be identified as such. This has implications for functionality like stacking behaviour, as stacking requirements can choose to ignore predefined Affixes when checking if in Item can be stacked onto another.

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5.4 Item Instancing Process

The Generic Itemization plugin currently provides a relatively straight forward mechanism for generating Items from ItemDefinitions defined in DropTables. The ItemDropperComponents DropItems function is the entry point to generating ItemInstances and ItemDrop Actors that can represent those instances within the world.

The Item Instancing Process is the steps that are taken from when the DropItems function is called to when it produces an ItemDrop Actor. The short list of what occurs during this process is as follows:

  1. Build an ItemInstancingContext.
  2. Find the number of Items to drop (the PickCount).
  3. For each of the Picks, select an ItemDefinition or a NoPick result.
  4. Calculate the Affix Level from the ItemLevel and QualityLevel on the ItemDefinition.
  5. Randomly select the Item QualityType (which can be predefined) from the ItemQualityRatio on the ItemDefinition.
  6. Add any predefined Affixes that are described on the ItemDefinition.
  7. Determine the number of Affixes to randomly generate, from the AffixCountRatio on the ItemDefinition.
  8. For Affix Count number of Affixes, generate them from the Affix Pool on the ItemDefinition.
  9. Calculate the desired StackCount of the Item via its ItemInstancingFunction. Default is not stackable with 1 stack.
  10. Spawn an ItemDrop Actor and assign the ItemInstance to it.

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5.5 ItemDrop Actor

ItemDrop Actors are essentially a wrapper around an ItemInstance that allow it to exist within the world. It provides the ability to visualize the ItemInstance and they are used in conjunction with the ItemDropperComponent.

It provides some convenience functions for accessing the ItemInstances and sliced versions of the ItemInstance struct and ItemDefinition struct of the ItemInstance it is representing.

It has support for the ItemInstance being a replicated property as well. This means that the ItemDrop Actor can be replicated and managed across the Network, passing along its ItemInstance in the process for all Clients to see.

The ItemInstance property on the ItemDrop Actor is set by the ItemDropperComponent when it is spawned in the world and is unchanged after that.

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5.6 Item Dropper Component

The ItemDropperComponent is a component that sits on an Actor to facilitate the entry point to dropping ItemDrop Actors that represent ItemInstances within the world, for that Actor from a specified DropTable.

It implements a single function UItemDropperComponent::DropItems which can be called from C++ or Blueprint to drop Items from its specified DropTable. This function is also where you pass through context information that surrounds and supports any ItemInstances that comes from this ItemDropperComponent. The Sample Project passes in the Items Level and the Magic Find value to use during the Item Instancing Process.

It also has an ItemDropClass property that allows you to specify which ItemDrop Actor type you want it to spawn. This is useful for overriding the visual representation of an ItemInstance within the world. The Sample Project overrides this to provide an appropriate visualization of ItemInstances that have been dropped.

Item Dropper Component

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5.6.1 Item Instancing Context and the Context Provider Function

In order to feed additional data to the Item Instancing Process about information such as what Level and how much MagicFind (along with any other custom data you might need along the way) to apply to a particular Item that is being generated, the ItemDropperComponent provides a class property for defining the Context Provider Function which is an UItemInstancingContextFunction class type and feeds it an Instanced Struct UserContextData parameter through its DropItems function.

Drop Items and User Context Data

The UItemInstancingContextFunction provides a single function called on its Class Default Object at the start of the Item Instancing Process to build a new ItemInstancingContext that is passed along every step of the Item Instancing Process and is available in almost all functions that are called along the way.

Build Item Instancing Context

The ItemInstancingContext is also copied onto every ItemInstance that is produced, so that Item knows the context information around when it was created.

The ItemInstancingContextFunction can be overridden in both C++ and Blueprint and it is recommended that you do so in order to pass through information that may affect the outcome of the generation of an ItemInstance. The Sample Project does this as shown above, to appropriately fill the ItemLevel and MagicFind native properties of the ItemInstancingContent so that Items can be generated correctly according to those values.

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5.7 Item Inventory Component

The UItemInventoryComponent is a USceneComponent that is designed to be a container for ItemInstances and be attached to any Actor. It implements various functions for managing taking, dropping and releasing ItemInstances.

It can contain any number of Items and is fully replicated across the Network. The ItemInventoryComponent utilizes a fast array type called FFastItemInstancesContainer to manage replicating Items. It does this via another container type called FFastItemInstance that holds the actual ItemInstance and a UserContextData Instanced Struct type for additional information.

The Sample Project utilizes this component to facilitate the pickup of Items via the Mouse and to manage aspects of the Character Inventory.

Build Item Instancing Context

Both of these features of the Sample Project are separate ItemInventoryComponents attached to the PlayerController.

The ItemInventoryComponent does not deal with specific details of how a Player might interact with it, meaning that it does not concern itself with things like internal layout or integration with a User Interface. Those details are left to the User to handle. It is simply a replicated container of managed Items.

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5.7.1 Modifying Item Instances

Generally speaking there shouldn't be many instances where making direct modifications to an ItemInstance is necessary, as they are borne from an ItemDefinition which should describe their entire state.

With that said the Generic Itemization Plugin does provide functionality that requires modification of an ItemInstance in the form of the StackCount and the stacking functionality in general.

StackCount is a property of an ItemInstance which is changed according to a stacking operation, either an actual increase in the stack representing the combining of 2 ItemInstances or a reduction in the stack being that of a splitting on a single ItemInstance into 2 separate ones with their own StackCount.

So with that said, the Generic Itemization Plugin provides an intended use mechanism for making modifications to ItemInstances that are owned by an ItemInventoryComponent. At the moment this is only available in C++; modification to ItemInstances in Blueprint is not advised.

The ItemInventoryComponent stores its managed Items in a FFastItemInstancesContainer which handles effective replication of those Items. This container is also responsible for exposing the intended functionality for making modifications to ItemInstances. The container is marked as protected: so modifications to ItemInstances can only be made by the ItemInventoryComponent and its child types. So it is recommended that you derive from UItemInventoryComponent if you intend to make changes to ItemInstances.

/* Creates a scope to make mutable changes to an ItemInstance. This should always be called if you intend to mutate an ItemInstance! */
template<typename InstanceType>
bool ModifyItemInstance(
	const FGuid& Item,
	const TFunctionRef<void(InstanceType* MutableItemInstance)>& MakeChanges

/* Creates a scope to make mutable changes to an ItemInstance and replicates a ChangeDescriptor. This should always be called if you intend to mutate an ItemInstance! */
template<typename InstanceType>
bool ModifyItemInstanceWithChangeDescriptor(
	const FGuid& Item, 
	const FGameplayTag& ChangeDescriptor, 
	TArray<FName> PendingChangeProperties, 
	const TFunctionRef<void(InstanceType* MutableItemInstance)>& MakeChanges

The above functions are responsible for handling modifications to properties on an ItemInstance managed by the container.

An example of how to utilize ModifyItemInstanceWithChangeDescriptor can be seen in some of the functionality for handling stackable Items.

ItemInstances.ModifyItemInstanceWithChangeDescriptor<FItemInstance>(	// Template type for declaring what type of ItemInstance we are making changes to.
	ItemToStackFrom, 													// FGuid of the Item being changed.
	GenericItemizationGameplayTags::StackCountChange, 					// GameplayTag identifying what type of a change is being made.
	{ GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(FItemInstance, StackCount) }, 			// The actual properties of the ItemInstance being changed.
	[StackRemainder](FItemInstance* MutableItemInstance) 				// Lambda scope that makes the changes to the ItemInstance.
		// Since there is a remainder after the stacking operation, the ItemToStackFrom needs to be updated to reflect that change.
		MutableItemInstance->StackCount = StackRemainder;

Only UPROPERTYs should be changed in this way as they are supported for replication.

ModifyItemInstanceWithChangeDescriptor builds a "change-list" of sorts. The intention is that both Server and Clients can then utilize that change-list to perform a diff on the new state of the ItemInstance versus its previous cached state, which enables us to emit those changes in a meaningful way for external systems to take advantage of.

The ItemInventoryComponent exposes the following virtual function and Multicast Delegate that are ultimately called by the FFastItemInstancesContainer that it utilizes to be able to listen for and express that changes on ItemInstances that its managing have occurred.

/* Called when an ItemInstance in the Inventory had a property value changed. */
FItemInventoryComponentItemPropertyValueChangedSignature OnItemPropertyValueChangedDelegate;

virtual void OnItemInstancePropertyValueChanged(const FFastItemInstance& FastItemInstance, const FGameplayTag& ChangeDescriptor, int32 ChangeId, const FName& PropertyName, const void* OldPropertyValue, const void* NewPropertyValue);

The ItemInventoryComponent makes use of the OnItemInstancePropertyValueChanged function to identify if an ItemInstance has had its StackCount changed, for which it then calls its own specific function and delegate for that event.

Currently, the OnItemInstancePropertyValueChanged function only exposes the Old and New values of the changed property as a const void* meaning that you need to appropriately interpret their types when making use of this functionality.

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6. Other Resources

The best documentation for understanding the Instanced Structs is by far the source code of the Plugin itself. Struct Utils Plugin Source Code

The Class Layout was created in the Online UML Diagramming tool Draw.io

Special thanks to the Unreal Source Discord community for the support.

If you found the Generic Itemization Plugin useful to you, please consider making a donation, although I provide it for free and with no expectations, I have put considerable time into this work and appreciate any contributions.

You can find my contact information on my website: https://fissureentertainment.com/

Latest compiled against: UE 5.4.0

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Join us on Discord to talk about the plugin!

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