This repo consists of contrail helm charts which helps to deploy contrail networking components as microservices
Contrail-helm-deployer is divided into below charts
- contrail-thrirdparty: Helps to install contrail thirdparty components like cassandra, zookepper, kafka and redis needed by other contrail charts
- contrail-controller: Using this chart we can install contrail services related to config, control and webui components
- contrail-analytics: Helps to install contrail analytics services
- contrail-vrouter: Installs contrail vrouter services
Coming up with basic charts, adding Makefile and trying it with openstack-helm chartsHaving an option to deploy each container as a separate podSeparating out config-zookeeper and analytics-zookeeper- Exposing all ports used by each container in the container spec
- Analyzing and adding resource limits for each of the contrail container
- Adding lifecycle hooks to each of the container and making sure that we delete everything we create while deleting the container
- Adding charts for DPDK vrouter
- Support for SRIOV and SRIOV+DPDK coexistence using helm
- Evaluating headless services for NB APIs and webui in contrail
- Documentation for Contrail Helm charts in 5.0
Installation doc- High level Architecture doc for 5.0 charts
- Troubleshooting 5.0 helm charts docs
- Adding RBAC objects for each of the pod
- Adding contrail-kubernetes related components
- Support for adding TSN node
- Test adding single vrouter at a time
- Test contrail HA
- Support for provisioning hybrid cloud connect