Matt's configuration for neovim 0.9.0.
Built off Ethan's vim config with some changes to my liking and explicit support for Linux, plus a whole lot more plugins (I love plugins!) - so do expect longer boot times.
Big thanks again to Ethan for the original config and getting me into Neovim.
There used to be a list of plugins/themes here, but there's so many now it's gotten out of hand. I guess RTFL (read the flipping Lua!!!!!).
This repo is mainly managed as a submodule through the dotfiles
repo. You should clone that repo, and edit the config/nvim
repo directly as a submodule. Then follow the
instructions there to install the dotfiles. Once that's done:
- Install the latest stable Neovim (currently 0.9.0 as of 27 May 2023).
- (If using Edit
to source nvm on startup:nvm -s use latest
- Download and install the DejaVuSans Nerd Font:
- Make sure your terminal is using the DejaVuSans Nerd Font. I'm using WezTerm, and these dotfiles automatically configure this.
- Install LazyGit, which may require installing golang.
- You should also have a gcc/clang and the latest stable rust (probably with rustup) on your system
- Also install
- If you're editing Java, you need to install
(yay -S jdtls
on Arch) separately due to how the nvim-jdtls plugin works - it's not managed using Mason.
- Better spelling
- Fix this: the word "Ethan" is marked as valid, but "Ethan's" (with the apostrophe s) is invalid. We should ignore words that
- Fully uppercase words (i.e. acronyms) should be ignored
- Telescope search results should be centred on screen when you navigate to them
- Pressing enter in a list of Markdown items should auto-insert a "-" on the next line
- Filetree should auto refresh git status (it doesn't seem to reload when git status or even files in directory are changed atm)
- LSP inlay hints (this is like how CLion will annotate the parameters of function calls in grey text)
- Each variable should get a unique colour (like what CLion calls "semantic highlighting", which is separate from LSP semantic highlighting). This will require a custom plugin or custom Lua.
Common operations I forget:
- Comment out a section of code: visual select, g, c
- Search in current buffer: space, slash
- Quit everything: :qa and :wqa
- Find a file: space, s, f
- Cancel autocomplete: Ctrl+E
- Create a new file in neotree: a (read documentation)
- Rename a file in neotree: r
- Delete a word (like ctrl+bkspce): ctrl+w
- Go to beginning of line: ^ (shift 6)
- Apply fix: space, c, a
- Yank whole document: ggyG
- Go to beginning: gg
- Go to end: shift g