
The ETLTender project is intendered to extract spatial data from some sources (Web Feature Service, Socrata Open Data, etc) and load them tenderly to internal databases. Every year or two I make one of these with high hopes and quickly transform it into a dumpster fire of one-offs and regrets.


  • Python3 with virtualenv and pip
  • A client for target database(s) with SQLCl, psql, etc on Path
  • Windows x64 only
  • If writing to Oracle ogr2ogr (on path) with OCI driver. Other standard ogr2ogr drivers are included


Start up a virtualenv and pip install the peeps

> setenv.bat

If ogr2ogr with OCI driver isn't already set, QGIS is usually a solid source

> set PATH="C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.4\bin";%PATH%
> set GDAL_DATA="C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.4\share\gdal"


> test_all.bat