
Turn a Kindle Paperwhite into a server-less weatherstation with optimized battery runtime.

Primary LanguageShell

Kindle Weatherstation

This is a serverless implementation of a weatherstation for the Kindle (PW2) that is also optimized for battery runtime (~ a month).

The Kindle fetches weather data from Openweathermap.org every 60 minutes, creates a SVG file based on a template, converts the SVG to PNG, displays the newly generated PNG and goes to sleep (STR/suspend to RAM) for the remaining time.


What's what

  • weather2svg.py: Queries weather data and assembles a SVG file based on template
  • create-png.sh: Gets data, converts svg file to png and compresses png file
  • kindle-weather.sh: Main loop, gets and displays data, suspend to RAM and wakeup
  • weather-preprocess.svg: SVG template
  • config.xml: KUAL config file
  • menu.json: KUAL config file
  • sync2kindle.sh: rsyncs all files to Kindle, helps during development/debugging
  • wifi.sh: Wifi helper script
  • weatherstation.conf: Upstart script

rsvg-convert and pngcrush binaries and libs are included.

Kindle preparation:


  • Adjust key and location in config.py
  • Adjust SSID and passphrase in wifi.sh
  • Create directory /mnt/us/extensions/weatherstation
  • Copy everything to the newly created directory (or use sync2kindle.sh)

Upstart script

Optionally, you can use a startup script to start the weatherstation automatically when the Kindle comes up.

  • $ mntroot rw
  • $ cp /mnt/us/extensions/weatherstation/weatherstation.conf /etc/upstart
  • $ mntroot ro
  • $ start weatherstation

Stopping weatherstation:

  • Either press button, quickly login and do a killall kindle-weather.sh (or if you are using the upstart script stop weatherstation).
  • Or force reboot kindle by holding powerbutton ~10 seconds
