
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Onsen UI Quick Startup Guide

This document describes the minimum information required to develop an app using Onsen UI.


Development Instructions

  1. Install dependencies

    $ npm install

  2. Install Gulp globally

    $ npm install -g gulp

  3. Run gulp serve and run the web server

    $ gulp serve

You should see running app on browser and you can start to develop your app with Onsen UI.

Directory Layout

README.md     --> This file
gulpfile.js   --> Gulp tasks definition
www/          --> Asset files for app
  index.html  --> App entry point
    stylus/   --> Stylus files for onsen-css-components.css
    js/       --> JS files for Onsen UI
    css/      --> CSS files for Onsen UI
platforms/    --> Cordova platform directory
plugins/      --> Cordova plugin directory
merges/       --> Cordova merge directory
hooks/        --> Cordova hook directory

Gulp Tasks

  • gulp serve - Running the app for development.
  • gulp build - Build several files for project.
  • gulp jshint - Generate jshint report.