GAMES101 homeworks

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GAMES101 Homeworks

This is the homeworks from GAMES101: An Introduction to Modern Computer Graphics.

Homework 1

Homework 1 is about implementing rotation matrix and a perspective projection matrix.

The result below shows a rasteried triangle:


Homework 2

Homework 2 is about implementing z-buffer algorithmand shading a solid triangle .

The result below shows a rasteried solid triangle with depth test:


Homework 3

Homework 3 is about implementing shading pipelines. Including Normal Shader, Blinn-Phong Shading, Texture Mapping, Bump Mapping and Displacement Mapping.

The result below is generated by normal shader:


The result below is generated by blinn-phong shader:


The result below is generated by texture shader:


The result below is generated by bump shader:


The result below is generated by displacement shader:


Homework 4

Homework 4 is about implementing Bézier Curve using de Casteljau algorithm.

The result below shows the curve:


Homework 5

Homework 5 is about implementing a simple whitted-style ray tracer.

The result below shows the scene generated by ray tracer:


Homework 6

Homework 6 is about implementing the BVH algorithm to accelerate ray tracing process.

The result below shows the scene generated by ray tracer:


Homework 7

Homework 7 is about implementing the Path Tracing Algorithm.

The result below shows the CornellBox scence generated in 16 SPP:


The result below shows the CornellBox scence generated in 64 SPP:


The result below shows the CornellBox scence generated in 512 SPP:


Homework 8

Homework 8 is about implementing the Mass-Spring System and simulate using Implicit Eular method, Explicit Eular method and Verlet method.

The blue line shows the Implicit Eular simulation and green line show the Verlet method simulation:
