timetrack-frontend: Simplistic frontend for timetrack legacy system

What is it?

This is a very simple frontend for Timetrack legacy system. Project is built on Jee7 using CDI, EJB and JAXRS.

System requirements

  • jdk 1.8_x
  • maven > 3.2.0
  • docker


  1. cd to the project folder.
  2. run the maven build mvn clean install docker:build

This should resutl in an error-free build and a new docker image should be created in your local repo under name yntelectual/timetrack-frontend


The whole build is managed via maven, including the docker build.

  1. docker run -d -p 9080:8080 --env LEGACY_SYSTEM_URL= yntelectual/timetrack-frontend
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:9080/timetrack-frontend/ (based on your port mapping)

You should expose the container port 8080 on some host port and you need to pass in the URL of the legacy system via env param LEGACY_SYSTEM_URL. Note that the URL needs to be accessible from the newly created container(until the linking is done via docker network or compose).

Running via docker compose

If you would like to run the whole setup including the legacy container on a single host, use the provided docker compose setup.
Compose exposes the frontend on port 8080 of the host machine.

  1. build the project using mvn clean install docker:build
  2. start the project using docker-compose up
  3. navigate to http://localhost:8080/timetrack-frontend

Open issues

  • container linking via compose or docker network (as docker link is deprecated)
  • validation
  • testcases


  • added docker compose build
  • fixed handling of empty string/null for email in time entry list
  • improved paging in list view
  • improved navigation