App was created by vite template. Using typescript and reactjs.
- ReactJS
- Typescript
- Vite -- for bundling
- Material UI -- for UI components
- React Router -- for routing
- Redux toolkit -- for state management
- redux-persist -- for persisting state in localstorage
- RTK Query -- for fetching data from API
- React Toastify -- for toast notification
- starts vite dev server with auto reload/restart/refresh
yarn run dev
- Login page
- requires OMDB API key
- Landing Page
- Dummy page with title
- Movie Search Page
- Search input
- Search result
- Movie Detail Page
- Show details of Movie
- director, actors, imdb ratings, poster, plot, etc
- button for making movie favorite
- Favorite Movie Page
- Show list of favorite movies
- button for removing movie from favorite list
- navigating by clicking on links in app bar
- navigating by clicking on movie card
- better error handling
- LOGOUT on auth error
- better/nicer UI