
Scripts to bridge from biosaw to ascot5

Primary LanguagePython

'''Scripts to produce the ascot input files starting from BioSaw files '''

The Toroidal magnetic field must include both the assialsymmetric component and the non-assialsymmetric component.
Br and Bz are only the perturbation

  1. produce B field using biosaw
  2. use biosaw2h5.m to convert the *.bpert file into an h5 file (let's say output_biosaw.h5). Here you have the R,phi,Z grid, the coils position and the B field. 2a) if needed, use function merge_biosaw from pybiosaw.plot_biosawoutput to merge EFCC and TF 2b) from pybiosaw.plot_biosawoutput you can plot TF and EFCC coils location

in biosaw2ascot folder:
3) use pybiosaw.ascotinput_from_biosawoutput files to read output_biosaw.h5 and produce the file in the correct ascot5 structure (input_toascot.h5). Here you have R,phi,Z grid and B field
4) you can check the resulting fields into input_toascot.h5 using pybiosaw.check_ascot_input functions
5) now you can copy the "bfield" field of input_toascot.h5 into the ascot.h5 file you want to use