
generate slideshow movie with Ken Burns effect on images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


kburns-slideshow allows the creation of video slideshows from images with kburns (zoom/pan) effect, videos with and without sound and background music.



kburns-slideshow is a python application and needs Python 3 installed. The videos are generated with FFmpeg which is needed in Version 3. FFprobe is used to extract the duration, width and height of input videos.

To sync the slide changes to the background music the music onsets are extracted with aubio.

The executables for FFmpeg, FFprobe and aubioonset, which are used, can be set in the config.json file.


The application can be used by executing main.py with some parameters.

$ python main.py
usage: main.py [-h] [-S WIDTHxHEIGHT] [-sd DURATION] [-sdm DURATION]
               [-fd DURATION] [-ft TRANSITION] [-fps FPS] [-zd DIRECTION]
               [-zr RATE] [-sm SCALE_MODE] [-l] [-y] [-t] [-d]
               [-a [FILE [FILE ...]]] [-sy] [-i FILE [FILE ...]] [-f LIST]
               [-s FILE] [-test]

The default parameters are defined in config.json and can be changed with the corresponding command line argument. An output and one ore more input files (-i <file>) are always neccessary:

python main.py out.mp4 -i data/1.jpg data/2.jpg data/1.mp4 data/3.jpg

It is also possible to define an input file list with modified config parameters and input files. With an input file list it is possible to define some parameters slide specific options (e.g. a overlay text, a subtitle text, a specific transition, a slide duration, a fade duration, ...). You can use the config file like that:

python main.py out.mp4 -f example.json


Command Line Parameters

Parameter Description possible values default
-S / --size output size (widthxheight) int (width) + "x" + int (height) 1920x1080
-sd / --slide-duration slide duration (seconds) int 4
-sdm / --slide-duration-min minimum slid duration (seconds), applies only when the slides duration is synced to the music int 1
-fd / --fade-duration transition duration (seconds) int 1
-ft / --fade-transition the transition type the names of the available transitions "random"
-fps / --fps output framerate integer 60
-zd / --zoom-direction the zoom direction for the zoom/pan effect "random", "top-left-in", "top-left-out", "top-center-in", "top-center-out", "top-right-in", "top-right-out", "center-left-in", "center-left-out", "center-center-in", "center-center-out", "center-right-in", "center-right-out", "bottom-left-in", "bottom-left-out", "bottom-center-in", "bottom-center-out", "bottom-right-in", "bottom-right-out" "random"
-zr / --zoom-rate the zoom rate on the zoom/pan effect float 0.1
-sm / --scale-mode the scale mode for the zoom/pan effect "pad", "crop_center", "pan" "auto"
-l / --loopable create loopable video False
-y overwrite output file False
-t / --temp generate temporary video files which are later concatenated False
-d / --delete-temp delete temporary generated video files False
-a / --audio one or more background audio tracks one ore multiple files (mp3, ogg, flac)
-sy / --sync-to-audio sync the slides changes to the background audio (modify the slides durations) False
-i / --input-files one or more input files or input folder(s) one ore multiple files (jpg, jpeg, png, mp4, mpg, avi)
-f / --file-list a JSON file with the input files a config file which can be generated from the application / see example.json
-s / --save save the config and the slides to a JSON file file name
-test do not generate the video, but only test the input False

Slide Specific Parameters

When using a JSON input file it is possible to change some values for specific slides:

  • slide_duration
  • slide_duration_min
  • fade_duration
  • zoom_direction
  • zoom_rate
  • scale_mode
  • transition
            "file": "1.jpg",
            "slide_duration": 5.0,
            "slide_duration_min": 1.0,
            "fade_duration": 2,
            "zoom_direction": "top-left-out",
            "zoom_rate": 0.2,
            "scale_mode": "crop_center",
            "transition": "fade"

To disable the zoom/pan effect the zoom_direction has to be none. When the whole image should be visible the scale_mode pad is needed.


It is possible to define a subtitle for a slide by setting the title parameter in the input file list:

            "file": "1.jpg",
            "title": "Slide 1"

When using a MP4 output the subtitles are burned in the video. With a MKV output the subtitle is added as individual subtitle stream (default).


Additionally it is possible to a text overlay:

            "file": "1.jpg",
            "overlay": {
                "title": "Intro Text",
                "font": "Bauhaus 93",
                "font_size": 200,
                "duration": 2,
                "transition_x": "left-in"

A text overlay has a half transparent black background and a overlaying text. The following parameters can be set for overlays:

Parameter Description default
title the text
font the font the default FFmpeg font
font_size the font size 150
duration the duration for the overlay 1
transition_x the text animation which can be "center" (text is positioned on the center), "left-in" (text scrolls from left to the middle) or "right-in" (text scrolls from right to the middle) "center"

Video parameters

You can disable the audio streams of video inputs by setting force_no_audio to true on the video input slide:

            "file": "1.mp4",
            "force_no_audio": true

If you want only a part of a video you can define the start or end timestamp. To use a section between second 2 and second 10 the following config is possible:

            "file": "1.mp4",
            "start": 2,
            "end": 10


It is easy possible to create custom transitions. Just place a python file in the following format in the folder slideshow/transitions:

def get(end, start, transition, i, fade_duration, config):
    filter = "%(end)s %(start)s <transition> %(transition)s" %{"end": end, "start": start, "transition": transition}
    frames = fade_duration*config["fps"]
    return filter, frames

The get() function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description default
end label of the end section of the previous slide "[v%send]" %(i-1)
start label of the start section of this slide "[v%sstart]" %(i)
transition label for the transition "[v%strans]" % (i)
i slide number, which can be used for naming labels
fade_duration the transition duration (seconds)
config all global config parameters

The function needs to return the filter and the number of frames of the transition.

ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts transitions

I have integrated all video transitions of ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts.

You can get the transitions by buying me two coffees from Buy Me A Coffee.

I will redirect one coffee to tanersener for his hard work on implementing these transitions.

The bars and checkerboard transitions are configurable with the following global parameters:

    "transition_bars_count": 10,
    "transition_cell_size": 100,

A preview for each transition is available at transitions.md.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

The ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts transitions "bars_horizontal_one", "bars_horizontal_two", "bars_vertical_one", "bars_vertical_two", "checkerboard", "clock", "collapse_both", "collapse_circular", "collapse_horizontal", "collapse_vertical", "cover_horizontal_l2r", "cover_horizontal_r2l", "cover_vertical_b2t", "cover_vertical_t2b", "expand_both", "expand_circular", "expand_horizontal", "expand_vertical", "fade_in_one", "fade_in_two", "moving_bars_horizontal_l2r", "moving_bars_horizontal_r2l", "moving_bars_vertical_b2t", "moving_bars_vertical_t2b", "push_horizontal_l2r", "push_horizontal_r2l", "push_vertical_b2t", "push_vertical_t2b", "rotate_one", "sliding_bars_horizontal_l2r", "sliding_bars_horizontal_r2l", "sliding_bars_vertical_b2t", "sliding_bars_vertical_t2b", "wipe_in_horizontal_l2r", "wipe_in_horizontal_r2l", "wipe_in_vertical_b2t", "wipe_in_vertical_t2b", "wipe_out_horizontal_l2r", "wipe_out_horizontal_r2l", "wipe_out_vertical_b2t" and "wipe_out_vertical_t2b" are also licensed under the MIT license.

The ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts transitions "box_in_horizontal_l2r", "box_in_horizontal_r2l", "box_in_vertical_b2t", "box_in_vertical_t2b", "push_box_horizontal_l2r", "push_box_horizontal_r2l", "push_box_vertical_b2t", "push_box_vertical_t2b", "rotate_two" and "spin_blur_rotation" are licensed under the ARTHENICA Commercial License.

Photo of Jökulsárlón and the photo of Seljalandsfoss are under the Unsplash license


The project is based on the python implementation of kburns by remko and kburns2 by sargue.

A big thanks to tanersener for doing the hard work of creating the various transitions.

Photo of Jökulsárlón by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash Photo of Seljalandsfoss by Andrey Andreyev on Unsplash