
A command-line profiler for Java programs that generates HTML reports. Features an optional JavaFX tool-runner GUI.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

A Profiler for Java Programs

A source-code-instrumentation profiler for Java programs. Designed to be a single-JAR command line tool that generates HTML reports. Optionally, a JavaFX GUI is available to configure the parameters and run the tool automatically.

The tool can parse Java 21 language syntax and should be executed with a JDK of version 17 or higher.

Quick links:


This project was created as part of my master's thesis at the Institute for System Software (SSW) of the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), located in Linz, Austria. See the thesis paper for further details.

The profiler instruments source code directly (as opposed to commonly used bytecode instrumentation) by inserting counter-statements at the beginning of every executable code block.
Blocks are found by parsing files with a recursive descent Scanner+Parser generated by the Coco/R tool.

The intention for the attributed Grammar (ATG), used in this project, was to be kept of minimal size and complexity by applying "fuzzy" parsing. This should improve maintainability with the constantly updating and growing Java Language Specification.

The five main stages of the profiler are:

The five main steps of the profiler

In the default mode, this tool will parse and instrument source files automatically, compile them, run the program (with arguments), and generate an HTML report.

The report provides a structured and sorted overview over the most frequently invoked methods and other useful metrics for each class. It further allows detailed exploration of source files and shows coverage (with counts) of grouped statements regions.

The profiler was designed to be a command line tool that can easily be used in scripts, CI/CD pipelines, and automation.

For Java/programming beginners or users who are less familiar with the command line, a JavaFX tool-runner GUI was created (see FxUI section).


The Releases section contains downloadable .jar-archives for the tool and the FxUI tool-runner.

The UI has separate releases for Windows, Linux and macOS.
The "fxui" zip archives provide executable scripts to directly start the GUI without using the command line.

Building from source

To build the project from source, Gradle and a Java JDK of version 21 or newer are required.

After cloning or downloading the repository, the Scanner.java and Parser.java files must first be generated using the Coco/R library.

This can be done by running the provided generate-parser.sh bash script, or the generate-parser.ps1 PowerShell script in the scripts/ folder.

Both should automatically download the library and execute it on the project's ATG file.

This can also be done manually by downloading Coco/R and executing the following command in the project root directory, to re-generate the parser files at any time:

java -jar lib/Coco.jar -package tool.instrument profiler-tool/src/main/java/tool/instrument/JavaFile.atg 


Usage: profiler [options] <main file> [program args]  
Or   : profiler [options] <run mode>

The Java binaries java and javac should be included in the system environment path variable for it to work.

All output is stored in the hidden .profiler subdirectory of the current working directory.

For being able to use local project resources and relative paths (as arguments or inside the program) the tool never changes its directory during execution and makes use of classpath arguments instead. It is therefore recommended to run the command line tool in the project's root directory.

If the Main file references other source files the -d/--sources-directory parameter is required!

Sample usage and explanation

(In the below section the java -jar profiler.jar command is substituted by profiler)

In the simplest case, the tool can be used as following:

profiler Main.java arg1 arg2 ...

This will parse the given file and create an instrumented copy in the .profiler/instrumented/ folder. The first argument to the tool specifies the class containing the main entry point.
Additionally the .profiler/metadata.dat file will be created, containing information about every found code block like its begin/end position, its parent method/class and other relevant data to create a report.

The tool will automatically compile the instrumented version using javac.

javac -cp .profiler/instrumented -d .profiler/classes Main.java

The Java compiler itself finds referenced Java files (used in Main) and will compile them also into (instrumented) .class files.
The compiled classes can be found in the .profiler/classes/ directory.

Next, the java binary will be used to execute the specified class by name (without the .java extension) with the given arguments:

java -cp .profiler/classes Main arg1 arg2 ...

Executing the instrumented files, automatically stores the hit-counter values in .profiler/counts.dat as soon as the program ends.

Finally, the metadata and counts will be used to create the report inside .profiler/report/.

Command line options

There are a few optional arguments available. For a full list, run profiler -h or profiler --help.


If the project-to-profile consists of two or more (linked) Java files, the sources directory has to be specified. This is done with the -d or --sources-directory option:

profiler -d src/main/java/ src/main/java/subfolder/Main.java

Using this option, all .java files inside src/main/java/ will be parsed, instrumented and copied to the "instrumented" directory. The relative folder-structure is replicated to ensure successful compilation (javac will throw an error if the package name and file paths mismatch).


When adding -s or --synchronized as a option, all inserted counters will be incremented atomically. This might be useful for multi-threaded programs, where a few methods or blocks are constantly executed in parallel. It will ensure that hit counts are correct, but runtime performance will be impacted.


This option is mainly for debugging purposes. It can be activated with -v or --verbose and will output detailed information about the parsing process for each file.

Run modes

The tool is primarily designed for easy usage with small projects that have a Main file. In case the project cannot be compiled with javac Main.java, or uses build tools (like Maven, Gradle, or Ant), we cannot use the default compilation logic.

For this case, two additional run modes are available:


By specifying the -i <file|dir> or --instrument-only <file|dir> mode the target file (or directory with all its Java files) will be instrumented and written to the .profiler/instrumented/ directory. Also, the metadata.dat file is generated. The instrumented code can then be compiled by custom commands and run manually.


If a project was already instrumented and run, the HTML report can be quickly (re-)generated with the -r or --generate-report run mode. In this mode, no parsing or instrumentation will be done. For it to succeed the metadata.dat and counts.dat files must already exist in the output directory.


A graphical application (using th JavaFX toolkit) was created, to easily configure parameters and arguments for the command-line tool. The profiler is then executed in a terminal.

Golden (?) labels can be hovered over for more information about each field.

Open project dialog

Before displaying the main window, a project directory must be chosen, using a selection dialog.

FxUI project selection dialog

Clicking "Select" will show the system's native dialog to choose a folder.
Alternatively, the path can be entered directly into the text field.

As soon as a valid folder path is entered, the main application window can be invoked with the "Open" button.

On the next program execution, the previously opened path will be pre-filled.

Main application window

FxUI main window

Using the file tree on the left, the sources directory and main file can be selected. Depending on the run mode this may be required.
Assigning a file or directory to a parameter can be done with the Return key, or using the context menu on a tree item.

The tree highlights important items in color:

  • blue - selected sources directory,
  • green - selected main file.
  • brown - output directory

The menu bar allows rebuilding the file tree, and saving or restoring currently set parameters (will be saved in the output directory as parameters.dat).

When clicking "Run tool", a system-native terminal (can be chosen) will be opened, to show program output and to allow user input (for interactive programs).

The executed command can be previewed with the "Preview command" button.

"Open report" will only show up once the .profiler/report/index.html file exists. Clicking it calls the system's default application for HTML files (browser).


The UI uses the PrimerDark theme from AtlantaFX as a userAgentStylesheet.


In the default run mode (or by using the -r mode) an HTML report will be generated inside the output directory.
It is stored in the .profiler/report/ folder. The index.html file can be opened in a browser to view it.

Classes (index.html)

The main index lists all classes found during parsing.

Report classes overview

By default, the list is sorted by the aggregated invocation count of all methods in each listed class. This enables us to quickly identify hotspots in the program for its last run.
At the bottom of the list we find rarely or never used classes.

Two additional metrics are available:

  • the method coverage in percent and
  • the hit-count of the "hottest" block inside the whole class.

The columns are clickable and allow re-sorting of the rows by an alternative metric.

Clicking on the class name will open the "Methods" index for this class.
By clicking on the source file link, we can jump directly to the source file detail report.

Methods (index_ClassName.html)

A separate method index is created for each top-level class.
It lists each non-abstract method, sorted by invocation count.

Report methods overview

The heading displays the fully qualified name of the class.

Methods of inner classes are shown with the java class-file syntax: Outer$Inner::Method.
Anonymous and local classes get a numbered name Outer$3::Method, just like in the compiled class files.

Clicking on a method name will jump into the source detail report, to the line number of the method's declaration.

Browser-back or the top button can be used to return to the class overview.

Source file detail report (JavaFileName.html)

For each Java file, an annotated source code file is generated inside .profiler/report/source/. It can be used to explore each class and its method in detail.

A small jQuery script file initializes colors for relevant sections and dynamically updates them on mouse hover.

Report source file

Code blocks that have been entered at least once during program execution are highlighted in green.
Non-covered blocks are displayed with red background color.

Statements with the same hit count are grouped into "code regions".
These regions are shown in a darker, more opaque green or red (depending on their coverage status).

The column, to the left of line numbers, contains the region hit counts for each line.
If multiple code regions are located in the same line, the hits are shown stacked next to each other.

Hovering over a block or region will highlight the entire block in yellow and the current region in orange.
The current region's code will also become bold until moving the mouse away from the region.
Additionally, a popup-hint will show the number of hits.

Implementation details

This section gives some more information on how the profiler works in detail.


The Grammar consists of a reduced set of non-terminal symbols (NTS) that covers the most important aspects of the Java 21 syntax tailored for the profiler's use-case (finding the begin and end position of blocks).

Using Coco's ANY keyword, we over-read non-relevant tokens like:

  • access modifiers (public, private, ... )
  • interfaces that a class implements (or superclasses)
  • class level constants and member variables
  • generic type definitions with angle brackets <Type1<Type2,...>, ...>
  • array initializer blocks (starting with {), but we do not insert counters here
  • a method’s argument list (within the parentheses)
  • remaining tokens in a GenericStatement up to the semicolon
  • the switch-case label(s), constant(s) and guard clause(s) before the colon or arrow

To build an index of classes and their methods, we have to keep track of class names and method names in each file and assign them to the blocks in the model.
Also, package declarations at the beginning of a file will be inherited by each class in this file for knowing its fully qualified name.


The tool parses source code files and stores an instrumented copy in the output directory.
At the beginning of executable code blocks (usually after an opening brace {). a __Counter.inc(X); statement is inserted.

A program like:

class Fibonacci {
  static int fib(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
      return n;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
  public static void main(String[]args) {
    int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
      System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");

Would look in its instrumented version something like this:

'import auxiliary.__Counter;'
class Fibonacci {
  static int fib(int n) {'__Counter.inc(0);'
    if (n <= 1) {'__Counter.inc(1);'
      return n;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
  public static void main(String[] args) {'__Counter.inc(2);'
    int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {'__Counter.inc(3);'
      System.out.print(fib(i) + " ");

The __Counter class

To successfully compile a copy of the program with additional __Counter.inc(x) statements, we need to import the __Counter class inside each instrumented file. The class is contained in a root-level auxiliary package and can be imported at any hierarchy level.

A compiled .class version of __Counter is extracted from the tool JAR and copied to the instrumented/ and classes/ output directories.

The class stores an array the size of all (number of) found blocks in the entire project. Every __Counter.inc(idx) statement includes the block-index to increment.

By default, calls to inc are not synchronized to speed up runtime performance. Using the -s option we insert incSync statements instead. The counters are then kept in an AtomicLongArray to ensure exact results for multi-threaded programs.

Special handling of language features

Some language syntax required non-trivial special handling.


We cannot just add a counter-statement to single-statement blocks.
In this case, we have to wrap the block in braces for it to compile.

boolean containsZero(int[][] array) {
  if (array == null) return false;
  for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++)
      if (array[i][j] == 0) return true;
  return false;

would require insertion of:

boolean containsZero(int[][] array) {'__Counter.inc(261);'
  if (array == null)'{__Counter.inc(262);' return false;'}'
  for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)'{__Counter.inc(263);'
    for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++)'{__Counter.inc(264);'
      if (array[i][j] == 0)'{__Counter.inc(265);' return true;'}}}'
  return false;

Overloaded constructors

Java supports multiple “overloaded” constructors in the same class. If we use super() or this() invocations, the language enforces that it must be the first statement in the method body. This makes it impossible to insert a __Counter.inc(X); statement right after the method's opening brace.

To handle this special case, we need to keep track of the end position of possible first this/super calls in constructors. The counter-statement is added only after this call.

class SmallDog extends Dog {
  public SmallDog(String name, int age) {
    super(name, age);'__Counter.inc(3);'
    size = Size.SMALL;
  public SmallDog(String name, int age, Size s) {
    this(n, age);'__Counter.inc(4);'
    this.size = s;

Anonymous and local classes

As these full-fledged classes can appear anywhere inside a code block, we need need to restore the previous state after parsing and exiting these inner classes. For this, the ParserState class contains a Stack of methods, onto which we push the current one when encountering class declarations inside methods.

Brace-less Lambdas

Especially for stream processing, lambda statements are often used without a method body.

Given the example:

        .peek(x -> System.out.println(x))
        .filter(x -> x % 2 == 0)

We need a clever way to observe how often each lambda statement was executed.

The __Counter class contains a special incLambda method that wraps these lambdas as an argument into either a generic anonymous Runnable or Supplier<T>.

The instrumented version will look like this:

        .peek(x ->'__Counter.incLambda(61, () ->' System.out.println(x)')')
        .filter(x ->'__Counter.incLambda(62, () ->'  x % 2 == 0')')

The compiler will automatically choose the fitting incLambda variant to call, depending on the return type.

Switch statements and switch expressions

Switch statements need a lot of special handling due to their abnormal syntax.
The switch block itself is not executable, case blocks are not enclosed in braces.
Switch expression (since Java 14) have the yield statement to return a value.
We also can use arrow-cases (-> like lambdas) to omit the break, in which case there's either a curly-brace block or a single statement.

For the case of single-statement arrow-case expressions we need to wrap the block in braces and add a yield keyword after.
In case a branch throws an exception, yield must not be added.

The following example:

StatusCode statusCode = ...;
int sc = switch (statusCode) {
  case OK -> 200;
  case UNAUTHORIZED -> 401;
  case FORBIDDEN -> 403;
  case NOTFOUND -> { yield 404; }
  default -> throw new RuntimeException("invalid code");

is as following instrumented like this:

StatusCode statusCode = ...;
int sc = switch (statusCode) {
  case OK ->'{__Counter.inc(5); yield' 200;'}'
  case UNAUTHORIZED ->'{__Counter.inc(6); yield' 401;'}'
  case FORBIDDEN ->'{__Counter.inc(7); yield' 403;'}'
  case NOTFOUND -> {'__Counter.inc(8);' yield 404; }
  default -> '{__Counter.inc(9);' throw new RuntimeException("invalid code");'}'

Control flow breaks

The keywords break, continue, return, yield and throw are used to exit a block early. As our counters are inserted only at the beginning of blocks, we would need another counter after every block containing a control flow break statement to correctly show line-hit coverage.

We took a different approach by introducing "code regions" to group statements with the same hit count. A code block is split into two regions when encountering an inner block. If the inner block contains a control flow break, we subtract the hit count of the inner blocks from the first region's hits to calculate how frequently the second region was executed.

275     | static int fib(int n) {
275     |   if (n <= 1)
275 142 |     return n;
275     |   return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); // 275-142 = 133
        | }

Runtime impact

To evaluate how much the inserted counter statements impact the run-time performance of a program, we ran a few benchmarks of the DaCapo Benchmark Suite in three different configurations:

  • "orig" — The original unmodified benchmark project without instrumentation
  • "instr" — A version with counter-increment statements added to every code block
  • "sync" — The benchmark with synchronized counters, using the AtomicLongArray

The following figure shows the average relative run-time overhead of seven benchmarks programs compared to their un-instrumented version:

Relative runtime overhead in the DaCapo benchmarks

Most benchmarks show only a relatively small slowdown to less than 200% run time. The h2 program does not show any significant impact as most of its work in performed in its derby database library, which is not instrumented. The sunflow benchmark (multi-threaded CPU ray-tracing) is the opposite extreme, showing a significant 10-fold run time impact when using synchronized counters.

For further analysis and details, see the thesis paper.



  • Only the project itself is instrumented (no library classes without source code)
  • Run-time exceptions inside and outside of try blocks cannot be considered for the resulting coverage data (of the following statements).


  • Custom build tools (like Ant, Maven and Gradle) are not supported yet.
  • Imperfect grammar:
    • The ATG is kept simple, minimal and generic. While we can successfully parse and instrument large projects, we do not claim to find every possible code block. The fuzzy approach leads to some special structures being currently skipped.
  • The hit count alone does tell us how long the method execution took


Future work and ideas

  • VSCode plugin (TypeScript)
  • IntelliJ IDEA plugin (Java)
  • Gradle task plugin (Java)
  • Report syntax highlighting for Java keyword
  • Be compatible with build tools like Ant / Gradle / Maven
  • JavaFX GUI improvements: theme / usability
  • ...