
My playground for just-the-docs

MIT LicenseMIT


My playground for just-the-docs.
This repo is on public just for using github pages with my free account.
You can see the built pages here

How to use just-the-docs with Git Bash on Windows

  1. Install Ruby+Devkit.

  2. Choose MSYS2 and MINGW development tool chain in the installer.

  3. Install gems and create a new folder on Git Bash

    gem update
    gem isntall jekyll bundler
    bundle exec jekyll new . --force
  4. Edit _config.yml

    baseurl: "/doc_test" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
    url: "https://matyalatte.github.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
    repository: matyalatte/doc_test
    # My custom branch
    remote_theme: matyalatte/just-the-docs@custom
    - jekyll-feed
    - jekyll-remote-theme
    # github
    github: [metadata]
  5. Edit Gemfile

    # gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.3"
    gem "github-pages", "~> 228", group: :jekyll_plugins
  6. Install gems and run jekyll serve on Git Bash to see the result on a local machine

    bundle isntall
    bundle add webrick
    bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=""

How to deploy docs

  1. Go to Settings -> Pages -> Build and deployment -> Branch.

  2. Select a branch and the /docs folder.

  3. Click the save button.

  4. Github Actions will build docs with jekyll.

  5. Built html files are available on https://{user_name}.github.io/{repo_name}


All resources are available under the MIT license.