Repository permanently moved to Banzai Cloud
This is a library to create Microsoft Managed Kubernetes clusters (AKS) on Azure cloud. It is a temporary solution until the following PR's are not merged upstream.
For API Specification: Go client is missing AKS until this PR is merged in the API specification. Related PR superseeded by the previos one.
For API Go client: The API itself is lacking the AKS feature until this issue is fixed.
You will need the following ENV variables exported: AZURE_CLIENT_ID
You can get this information from the portal, but the easiest and fastes way is to use the Azure CLI tool.
Install the tool and login using the following commands.
$ curl -L | bash
$ exec -l $SHELL
$ az login
Create a Service Principal
for the Azure Active Directory using the following command.
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac
You should get something like:
"appId": "1234567-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab",
"displayName": "azure-cli-2017-08-18-19-25-59",
"name": "http://azure-cli-2017-08-18-19-25-59",
"password": "1234567-1234-1234-be18-1234567890ab",
"tenant": "1234567-1234-1234-be18-1234567890ab"
Translate the output from the previous command to newly exported environmental variables.
Service Principal Variable Name | Environmental variable |
tenant | AZURE_TENANT_ID |
Run the following command to get you Azure subscription ID.
$ az account show --query id
Finally export that value as an environmental variable as well.
Command | Environmental variable |
az account show --query id | AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID |
At this point you should have the following 4 environmental variables set!
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "1234567-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = "1234567-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
export AZURE_TENANT_ID = "1234567-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "1234567-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
AKS requires a few services to be pre-registred for the subscription. You can add this thorugh the portal or using the CLI. The required pre-registered service providers are:
You can check the registered providers with: az provider list --query "[].{Provider:namespace, Status:registrationState}" --out table
If these above are not registered you can add them:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network
Until the registration goes through all the zones and datacenters have a coffee. You can check the status by hitting az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerService
for each individual service.
You can launch an AKS cluster using the Portal or CLI - in case you are considering using Pipeline you can use the following REST API collections.
After you have launched a Kubernetes cluster on AKS you can test/validate it by using the AKS CLI tool by running az aks install-cli
. Get the credentials to the cluster by running az aks get-credentials --resource-group YOUR_RG_NAME --name YOUR_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME
From now on it's business as usuall, you can use kubectl to operate the cluster. Get the number of nodes and validate the result:
matyix$ kubectl get nodes
aks-agentpool1-36552431-0 Ready agent 12m v1.7.7
Scale the cluster: az aks scale --name AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group YOUR_RG_NAME --node-count 1 --resource-group YOUR_RG_NAME
In order to generate structs from the rest response you can use this site as the AKS API response is quite complex.