Svelte on any is a tiny preprocessor which helps to forward all DOM events.
This in fact is not a good way to forward events since it would attach event listeners for every single event, which is a big performance handicap so please don't use it unless you absolutely have to.
yarn add svelte-on-any
In your rollup.config.js
add onAny
to preprocess section:
import onAny from "svelte-on-any";
preprocess: {
Now all you have to do is put on:any
on your element!
<button on:any>
Will generate
<button on:mouseenter on:mouseleave... >
On-any accepts one argument which is a function called on the list of events.
// Forward only events that contain "mouse" in their name
onAny(events => events.filter(event => event.includes('mouse')))
- abort
- afterscriptexecute
- auxclick
- beforescriptexecute
- blur
- canplay
- canplaythrough
- change
- click
- contextmenu
- copy
- cut
- dblclick
- drag
- dragend
- dragenter
- dragleave
- dragover
- dragstart
- drop
- durationchange
- emptied
- ended
- error
- focus
- fullscreenchange
- fullscreenerror
- gotpointercapture
- input
- invalid
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- load
- loadeddata
- loadedmetadata
- loadstart
- lostpointercapture
- mousedown
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mozfullscreenchange
- mozfullscreenerror
- mozpointerlockchange
- mozpointerlockerror
- paste
- pause
- play
- playing
- pointercancel
- pointerdown
- pointerenter
- pointerleave
- pointerlockchange
- pointerlockerror
- pointermove
- pointerout
- pointerover
- pointerup
- progress
- ratechange
- readystatechange
- reset
- scroll
- seeked
- seeking
- select
- show
- stalled
- submit
- suspend
- timeupdate
- touchcancel
- touchend
- touchmove
- touchstart
- volumechange
- waiting
- wheel
Feedback and feature requests are welcome!