
Sync Bike2Work rides from Strava to Sharepoint

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bike2Work @ CERN

Sync Bike2Work rides from Strava to CERN Sharepoint.


Create the configuration file ~/.config/bike2cern/sync.cfg with the following contents (adjusted):

client_id = 12345
secret = deadbeef0123456789

username = johndoe

Client ID and secret can be obtained on Strava.

Save the CERN password in the system keyring:

keyring set bike2cern cern

Upon first usage, bike2cern will request a Strava access token.

Fixing the Sharepoint Dependency

Unfortunately, the sharepoint library that bike2cern uses does not support Python 3 completely. If the sync crashes, add the following to top of the last file printed in the stack trace (this should happen twice):

unicode = str


Use with a start and end date (rides on the day of the end date will not be synced), e.g., for the first half of the year:

bike2cern --dry-run 2017-01-01 2017-07-01

Remove --dry-run to actually do the sync. Use at your own risk, syncing too much will require manual deletion! The python Sharepoint library currenty does not return a list of calendar items currently, hence the need to specify sync dates.