
how to use Chinese in this theme?

dc-wangjn opened this issue · 2 comments

how to use Chinese in this theme?

Approach 1: Just add a package named xeCJK. An example is given below:

% !TeX program = xelatex

\title{MWE Beamer Chinese Fonts}
\author{Author Name 作者名字}
\institute{Institute Name 组织名字}

\begin{frame}{Table of contents 目录}
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\section{Section title 章节名}
\begin{frame}{Frame title 幻灯片名}
        \item Item one 普通字体 \bf{粗体} \it{斜体} \texttt{mono 字体}

Approach 2: Use documentclass ctexbeamer. An example is given below:

% !TeX program = xelatex

\title{MWE Beamer Chinese Fonts}
\author{Author Name 作者名字}
\institute{Institute Name 组织名字}

\begin{frame}{Table of contents 目录}
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\section{Section title 章节名}
\begin{frame}{Frame title 幻灯片名}
        \item Item one 普通字体 \bf{粗体} \it{斜体} \texttt{mono 字体}

Approach 1: Just add a package named xeCJK. An example is given below:

% !TeX program = xelatex

\title{MWE Beamer Chinese Fonts}
\author{Author Name 作者名字}
\institute{Institute Name 组织名字}

\begin{frame}{Table of contents 目录}
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\section{Section title 章节名}
\begin{frame}{Frame title 幻灯片名}
        \item Item one 普通字体 \bf{粗体} \it{斜体} \texttt{mono 字体}

Approach 2: Use documentclass ctexbeamer. An example is given below:

% !TeX program = xelatex

\title{MWE Beamer Chinese Fonts}
\author{Author Name 作者名字}
\institute{Institute Name 组织名字}

\begin{frame}{Table of contents 目录}
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\section{Section title 章节名}
\begin{frame}{Frame title 幻灯片名}
        \item Item one 普通字体 \bf{粗体} \it{斜体} \texttt{mono 字体}

thanks for your sharing and best wishes to you