- 2
Set math font back to default with pdflatex
#348 opened by MartinThoma - 0
- 0
paragraph spacing in column format
#402 opened by lissumo - 2
Make word color Green
#395 opened by githubhyz - 2
Footnotes in combination with `\fullcite` are very large and their font size cannot be adjusted
#401 opened by moritzmathes - 2
Metropolis design with typst implementation
#399 opened by michelk - 2
How to change color of inverted section pages?
#400 opened by camayl - 0
- 3
Not maintained?
#363 opened by jolars - 1
- 0
`pgfplotsthemetol` puts `\pgfplotsset{compat=1.9}` at end of preamble, overriding other settings
#397 opened by jasperhabicht - 0
How to get inverted section slides?
#396 opened by pinetreemoonlight - 5
titleformat not working correctly for section titles
#371 opened by rnhmjoj - 8
Issue with texlive 2023
#393 opened by jdtuck - 0
The manual contains outdated pandoc instructions
#394 opened by camoz - 1
- 0
Don't include appendix pages in progress bar without use of appendixnumberbeamer
#389 opened by joshuabach - 1
- 1
Frametitle Background Image
#356 opened by sajjadriaj - 0
allowframebreaks breaks frame very strange
#388 opened by tombenko - 1
mtheme license
#374 opened by somerfeld - 0
Change mtheme license
#387 opened by lambtho12 - 0
page number in frame title
#385 opened by allefeld - 4
- 1
Tikz node color changes to black after \color{}
#380 opened by Pastells - 0
Create a whiteboard sidebar when aspectratio=169
#383 opened by liubenyuan - 0
How can I change the font of this theme?
#382 opened by everythoughthelps - 4
Use FiraSans Package when compiling with pdflatex
#349 opened by r0uv3n - 0
Fix make demo
#381 opened by ernestchu - 0
Italic in verbatim environment
#378 opened by daxnv - 3
Supported range / Fallback setup with XeLaTeX?
#377 opened by cpitclaudel - 1
- 2
In knitr, can't get metropolis theme to work with \mathbf and greek letters, or with \bm from the bm package
#375 opened by lfmcmillan - 2
metropolis + references
#370 opened by nbecker - 3
- 7
Not sure how to use Fira Fonts
#373 opened by christineymshen - 1
Add a right to left progress bar
#360 opened by seloumi - 0
Dead Link to Paul Tol's technical note for SRON
#372 opened by venkatasg - 0
\textvisiblespace disappears when using luatex
#369 opened by ytzemih - 0
pass options to block environment
#367 opened by gennaro-tedesco - 2
how to use Chinese in this theme?
#364 opened by dc-wangjn - 0
- 0
- 1
Empty block headers don't collapse
#354 opened by Drup - 0
Make subsection page look as section page
#358 opened by benjaminlarin - 0
- 0
Use text font for Greek in math
#352 opened by beojan - 0
Allow section pages with page number
#351 opened by ricpelo - 0
Progress bar with \usecolortheme{default}
#350 opened by greimel - 1
block title too close to block text
#347 opened by kattelk