
protoc plugin to generate mdBook pages

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A protoc plugin to generate mdBook pages documenting services and related messages.


Install a recent Rust toolchain and build the binary with

$ cargo b --release


Like every protoc plugin, protoc-gen-mdbook must be in your PATH and can be called by passing the mdbook_out parameter. Hence you can render Markdown pages with

$ protoc --mdbook_out=. path/to/*.proto

Note that you need a custom version of highlight.js that includes support for protocol buffers if you want the rendered message types to be syntax highlighted.


You can control the output behavior of protoc-gen-mdbook using mdbook_opt option passed to protoc driver. The option is a comma-separated list of key-value pairs separated by a colon. The following keys are understood:

  • output: a filename for the entire output. If not set, multiple files will be generated.
  • optimize: right now can be doxygen to optimize for inclusion in Doxygen Markdown documentation, most importantly to fix header links. All other values are ignored.

A call to output to a single file optimized for Doxygen would look like this:

$ protoc --mdbook_out=. --mdbook_opt=output:single.md,optimize:doxygen path/to/*.proto