
WordPress $wpdb batch UPDATE (for INSERT PR welcome)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


WordPress $wpdb batch UPDATE (for INSERT PR welcome). Never run multiple SQL queries - run one batch SQL query and increase your plugin performance.


composer require MatthiasWeb\wpdb-batch:dev-master


Construct new instance with the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
$table_name string The table name
$index string The index column name which should be CASE'd
[$format_values] array<string,string> An optional array with column name as key and format value. If none is given all format values are strings
global $wpdb;
$wpbu = new MatthiasWeb\WpdbBatch\Update($wpdb->terms, 'term_id', array(
    'term_id' => '%d',
    'term_order' => '%d'

add($indexValue, $updates)

Add a new update row. Returns: this instance for method chaining.

Argument Type Description
$indexValue mixed The index value for the $index column
$updates array<string,mixed> An array with column name as key and new value
$wpbu->add(1, array(
    'term_order' => 10

$wpbu->add(2, array(
    'term_order' => 11,
    'another_col' => 'test'

sql($chunkSize = 0)

Get the SQL query as string. Returns: array<string> if $chunkSize > 0, otherwise string.

Argument Type Description
[$chunkSize=0] int The chunk size

Example result:

UPDATE `wp_terms` 
SET    `term_order` = ( CASE 
                          WHEN `term_id` = 1 THEN 10 
                          WHEN `term_id` = 2 THEN 11 
                          ELSE `term_order` 
                        end ), 
       `another_col` = ( CASE 
                           WHEN `term_id` = 2 THEN 'test' 
                           ELSE `another_col` 
                         end ) 
WHERE  `term_id` IN ( 1, 2 ); 

sqlArray($chunkSize = 0)

Get the SQL queries as array. Returns: array<string>.

Argument Type Description
[$chunkSize=0] int The chunk size

execute($chunkSize = 0)

Execute the batch update. Result: array with failures (array of SQL queries which failed), updated (int) and success (boolean).


The INSERT is not yet implemented because I didn't need this yet. Pull requests welcome.


This repository is licensed under MIT license. The mechanism itself is inspired by mavinoo/laravelBatch.