
Arduino based remote for raymarine evolution autopilots

Primary LanguageC++

Remote for Raymarine Evolution Autopilots

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Libraries used:



Remote / Sender

3D print

keypad and seal were printed using TPE. The front and back were laser cut of acrylic (thanks to @jliebers!). The remaining parts were printed using PETG. The front was glued to the frame using T7000

3d model

Remote shortcuts

Keys Press and hold for one seconds Description
+1 & +10 1 Tack starboard
-1 & -10 1 Tack portside
+1 & Wind 1 Key lock
Standby & Auto 2 Set target wind angle to 0°

Commands via tty

input Description
s Standby
a Auto (course) mode
w Wind Vane mode
t Track mode
+ Plus 10 degrees
- Minus 10 degrees
c Confirm Waypoint advance
1 Key +1
2 Key +10
3 Key -1
4 Key -10
5 Keys -1 and -10 pressed simultaneously
6 Keys +1 and +10 pressed simultaneously


board receiver board sender


schematic receiver schematic sender