
Give us your birth day, we'll give you the world

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Your Birthday News

Give us your birth day, we'll give you the world

This web application use modern Javascript concepts to create a full stack application usig Node.js, MongoDB and React.

You must type your birthday in the format YYYMMDD, no spaces, no dashes, no forward slashes, and the app will contact The New York Times API and give you five top news of the day you were born.

The archives goes back to 1885. So you can check the news on the day the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated, on October 28, 1886 (18861028), or the day Rosa Parks was born, February 4, 1913 (19130204). If you want to know more about the news about the Triangle Fire in New York City, on March 25, 1911, you must search for the day after, or 19110326.

This MVP app was created on a web development class, and it was my first own "full-stack" project, and was built in 24 hours. So the original code might have flaws and lots of console-logs. The goal was to build a server in Node/Express, connect to an API, retrieve data and store it in a database (mongoDB) and display it on the browser (in React). This is the orignal app, the front end is just the bare-minimum, as I spend most fo my time on the back end. This is the original code and all its inconsistencies. I only updated the dependencies and typos here and there.

NOTE: To run the program, you will need a API key to access the New York Times archives. This key was not uploaded to this repository for privacy reasons. A key can be obtained with a developer account at https://developer.nytimes.com.

Thank you,

Mauricio Feldman-Abe