Emulate docker0 bridge for docker-for-mac
This project works with socat and sshuttle. These dependencies can be installed with brew:
brew install socat
brew install sshuttle
# Start ssh server
docker run --name host-bridge --net host --read-only --rm --tmpfs /run:exec --volume ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys:ro mauchede/docker-for-mac-host-bridge:latest
# Start socat forwarding
socat TCP-LISTEN:22,reuseaddr,fork "EXEC:docker exec -i host-bridge 'socat STDIO TCP-CONNECT:'"
# Start sshuttle
sshuttle --remote root@ --ssh-cmd 'ssh -i ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'
Note: socat
is mandatory because port forwarding is not allowed when a container uses --net host