
A web app that normalizes artworks into a WebGL scene

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Normalize is a demo web app, that translates artworks into a WebGL scene.
The scene's geomerty is always the same, but its features depend on the artwork displayed at its side.


  • The cube's rotation speed depends on overall artwork saturation;
  • The 3D scene's colors depend on the average color of the artwork.



Roadmap/todosuse open images


  • arrow functions vs others
  • clean ALL
  • special functions for side effects!!! and dom commands!!!
  • turn pixel functions into wasm via rust or assemblyscript
  • async script in html?
  • use ts
  • move what can be to config file
  • use redux for img etc
  • separate data

// img vs artwork // rename go // img wrapper vs subwrapper in css // add deep linking


  • do some more pixel operations (small coding challenge)
  • use more data from the images/ do something more spectacular
  • make a cooler scene: add balls and other effects
  • make it overall cooler: use microphone, camera, make it interactive... ???
  • use some more nice webGL effects such as shaky shake
  • input data to use: brightness, saturation, year, technique, joyfulness, keywords/labels:
    • abstract or figurative // use google AI keywords: how many objects are recognized?
    • consistent or surrealist // use google AI keywords + word2vec: how much distance between objects?
    • alive // use google AI keywords + word2vec: label-person distance, label-animal distance...
  • output: emotion, level of detail, style... // try https://cloud.google.com/vision/ and https://ml5js.org/reference/api-Sentiment/


  • document functions and files
  • lint
  • answer questions doc
  • update README


  • why is image animation happening only certain times?


  • use background position so that image is always nicely displayed
  • support mobile devices: viewport, but also buttons instead of arrows
  • add window resize event
  • add "noise" animation in between img changes
  • use arrows to navigate and display this tip on screen
  • display text on screen to explain what's happening
  • display variables on screen


  • use open images
  • display artist credits / artwork information
  • automate artwork information retrieval -- write a scraper in node JS!


  • publish on twitter

Built with

  • Parcel
  • WebGL
  • Custom imge operations in JS, should be replaced by Wasm for a better perf :)

Start project

npm install
parcel serve index.html --public-url /

Feature ideas

Color Histogram (contrast) Signal to noise ratio Symetry https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23213390/calculate-brighness-contrast-hue-and-saturation-level-in-an-image-using-java